Chapter 14

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"Don't you fucking do it, you behemoth." I growl from across the island. Darry is standing in front of me with the last Philly cheese steak Hot Pocket. "Go get a ham and cheese one, you whore." I growl again. He grins triumphantly at me daring to inch closer to it to take a bite.

I jump onto the island and grab the sandwich out of his hands and run out of the kitchen. I can hear him running close behind me as I make my way to my room. Once I get into my room I slam the door shut and run into my bathroom locking the door. He bangs on the door demanding that I give it back but I scarf it down as quickly as I can.

"I had it first!" He whines through the door as I eat the last bite. I slowly unlock the door letting him burst in. Darry looks around for the Hot Pocket until I hand him the wrapper and walk out. Next thing I know he's tackling me onto the floor making me scream out loud. "You dirty slut, you ate it!" He yells which makes me laugh.

"Let's just go buy more," I suggest picking myself off and fixing my clothes. He thinks about it for a few seconds then nods I quickly find my card and we walk downstairs and head out the door to his car which happens to be a 70's firebird painted a dark blue. As I walked to my side he opens the door for me then walks to his side. After he's in the car we head to the nearest store.

"Can you think of anything else that we need or want?" I ask while pulling out my bank account card. He thought for a few seconds as he parked and then shook his head no. "Okay, I'll be back." But oh no I can't go to buy something on my own.

"Ah, no." He chuckles. "I have direct orders to come with you everywhere you go, even if you're only buying Hot Pockets." I groan loudly as he gets out, I get out and stomp up to the door with him right beside me.

We walk to the frozen section to buy the Hot Pockets, we decided to buy two big boxes, then I wonder off to the candy isle. I pick out various candies including some that Dominic will like, thanks to Darry for helping me on that part, then I go buy random drinks. After we fill our cart with stupid things we don't need and some things we thought we should restock up on we go to the check out.

"I think we got enough stuff." Darry laughs from behind me. I turn around and sarcastically and mock his laugh which causes him to laugh harder.

"Hey! They said I can do whatever I want with the money." I defend while looking at the woman ring up all of the items. I can hear Darry chuckling under his breath behind me as I go to pay. When I swipe the card Darry covers the screen, teasing me. "Darry," I whine. "I need to see that." He laughs again and uncovers the screen.

"So are you from Germany?" The woman asks in a flirtatious voice. I give Darry the look that says 'She is retarded, don't do it.'

"Russia, thanks for ringing our things up." He replies while loading the cart as I finish putting in my pin. She leans over the counter pushing her boobs up.

"You are so sexy, can I have your number?" She tries again. At this point she's kind of irritating me, I want to go and eat Hot Pockets and wait for my Dom to get home. He's coming home today and this morning when I called him he said they were leaving Little Russia, I don't know how long it takes to get from there to here but I hope he'll be here before or after dinner.

"Uh, no." Darry blatantly says. I help him load up the rest of the things as she's trying to get him to sleep with her. As we go to leave she steps in front of him to stop him.

"Please?" She begs, "I heard I'm really good in bed." She stated as she runs her finger down his chest. Getting pissed off I shove her hand away from him stepping in front of Darry.

"Look, he's not interested in you so fuck off. Stop being a whore and do your job. Maybe you could catch a guy if you weren't so fucking desperate, so please do both of us a favor and go back to your work station or I'll go to your boss and get your ass fired." I huff at the end of my rant and when I actually take a second to look at her she has tears brimming her eyes.

"Y-You're just going to let her talk to me like that?" She turns to face Darry, in return he grins and shrugs. "Fine, go home with your spoiled bitch of a girlfriend." Darry immediately grabs me up and throws me into the cart after I punched the bitch and he begins pushing me away to keep my from doing any more damage. As he pushes me away I can see I gave her a bloody nose and lip. I sit unhappily in the cart with my arms crossed, probably crushing the food, and I stare daggers into Darry.

"You put on quite a show." He grins and chuckles again. "I could've handled that myself, ya' know." I huff and turn to face the car. "Your hand is bleeding," He points out as he picks me up and sets me on the ground.

"I swear to god if I ever see her again I'll shoot her myself." I nearly yell. Darry laughs and tells me to get in the car while he loads the things in the back. I sit in the car and turn on some music while I wait for him. Eventually I loosen up and he gets in the car. He didn't really say anything other than we need to bandage my hand when we get home.

The way to the car was silent other than the soft music in the background. We managed to carry everything in one trip, we walk into the kitchen and Dominic is standing in front of the closed fridge on his phone. Only seconds after seeing him I feel my phone start to vibrate in my back pocket.

"Dom!" I yell and attempt to run over to him. He sees me and grins then picks me up and bear hugs me. "Dom, I need to set this stuff down." I groan but happily. As I set the things down Dominic grabs my bloody hand whipping his head up the look at Darry.

"What the fuck hap-"

"I punched someone in the face," I shrug pulling my hand away. His eyes are still glued to Darry and he doesn't look happy at all. "She was hitting on Darry and she called me a spoiled bitch, so I hit her. Dom, I'm okay." I whisper the last sentence and pull his face down to look at me.

"I had to pick her up and put her in the cart because she was going to hit her again." Darry said stepping closer. "I didn't know she was going to punch her, it happened before I could make a move to get her out of the store." Dominic nods in a understanding way and smiles down at me.

"Yeah, I understand how she does that." He leads me upstairs to his bathroom where he washes the cut, he said he thinks it's from one of her teeth, and then he wraps it up. After he's done he pulls me to his bed sitting down and pulling me on top of him. Wrapping my arms around him I begin to play with his hair.

"I missed you so much." I mumble into his hair. He nods in agreement pulling me closer against him. Eventually we unravel ourselves from one another and go downstairs to get the food I had bought for Dominic and myself. We gather all of it in our arms and head up to my room.

"So I'm assuming you have a plan for all of this junk food and these drinks." Dominic said while placing what he could fit into my fridge. I smiled and handed him another can of Monster.

"Yep, we're having a movie night tonight." He chuckled and shakes his head. "I know we probably didn't need this much but I thought we could do it more than once." He nods as he puts more things into the fridge. I begin pacing around my room out of boredom. Dominic glances at my hand then starts laughing to himself as he stands and puts the rest of the food and drinks on my pull-out desk.

"What?" I ask covering my hand, he chuckles and walks towards me. "Why are you laughing?" I ask again when he pulls me into a hug which makes him laugh even more.

"I had promised to keep you safe but now it looks like I have to keep people safe from you." He pulls back dipping his head to meet my lips making me grab fists full of his suit jacket. His hand wraps around the back of my neck pulling me in closer to his body.

"I need to tell you something, please promise me that if you don't feel the same way you won't run away." His quiet words make my heart start pounding against my ribcage. The moment of silence causes my stomach to twist and turn as if I was going to puke but I take slow deep breaths in order to stay calm.

"I'm so in love you, Willamina."

With that I'm falling to my knees in front of him, he joins me on the ground with concern on his face. He's saying things but all I can think about is that Dominic Silvester Gold is in love with me. His hands gently pull my face up so my eyes meet his.

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