Chapter 16

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Dominic took me into his room last night and let me sleep in there with him. He said I was allowed to sleep with him whenever I wanted for however long I wanted and if I wanted him to he'd come sleep with me.

Now standing in the shower I can't help but to think about how Dominic knew my dad. I'm not even sure that I remember what my dad looked like but Dominic said I look like him. He also said he had pictures of him and his father together that were hanging in his father's office and that he'd show me sometime today.

I step out of the shower and dry myself off then wrap my hair and body to walk into my room. First I walk over to my dresser and get a red set of bra and underwear, then I walk into my closet to look for our date in a couple of hours.

It's funny because I want to get ready but I have like four hours. I decide just to put in some jeans and a crop top for now. I walk downstairs looking for Dom but I can't find him. Eventually I come across Edward's office door and I hear quiet talking.

"The shipment comes in tonight, you need to be here." Someone whispers first. It hard to tell who they are when they're whispering so quietly.

"I'm leaving tonight, you can deal with this, I know you can. You two have been trained your entire life for this, you're just nervous because it's your first time. Everything will go alright," I'm sure that's Dominic. I press my ear harder against to door making my heart race.

"What if it goes sour?" Someone else asks. I can almost hear the gears in Dominic's head spinning as he thought about this question.

"Get the shipment and leave. Do whatever is necessary. You know where to bring it when you have it." Nick opens the door allowing me to fall basically on my face. I scramble to get up and I come up with a story as fast as I can.

"I guess I wasn't expecting you to open the door at the same time I was," I laugh making Nick laugh. Darry is leaned up against Dom's desk with his arms crossed with an almost amused look on his face, Dom's sitting at the desk with a smirk.

"Alright boys, you're allowed to leave." With one look Dominic had them crawling out of his, I guess new office. He motions for me to walk over to him so I do, I stand next to him awkwardly waiting for him to say something. I know he saw me and I still feel embarrassed about last night.

"Get up here, princess." He motions again to the desk. I nod while lifting myself up onto it. He grabs my hips and pulls me over in front of him separating my legs so he can be closer to me. "So now you're spying?" He asks making me want to faint. I shake my head but then I begin to nod. "Use your words, princess." He tries again.

"I w-was coming to see y-you and then I h-had heard you guys talking... I didn't want to in-interrupt because it sounded important b-because you were whispering." I finish my cracked sentence by looking down at him to see his reaction. I can't tell if he's mad or if he doesn't care. "Am I gonna be in trouble?" I finally ask while playing with a piece of my hair that has fallen.

"No," He shakes his head and smiles softly while pushing the fallen piece of hair back behind my ear. "But I don't want you listening in on things like that." He adds while running his thumb over my cheek.

For the first time I actually look around the room. There's a couple of pictures of Edward ranging from Dom's age to what looked like a couple of years ago with a man about Edward's height with my eyes and hair. I stand up not paying attention to Dominic and walk in front of each of the pictures. Each one the man looks older and older just like Edward.

I feel Dom's presence behind me then his hand lands on my shoulder gently rubbing it. I've always wondered what kind of man my father was. Dominic walks away and I can hear him rummaging through things, a few minutes later he walks back with more pictures of the man I barely knew.

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