Chapter 27 (Last Chapter)

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As I'm driving down the road I can't help but stare at the ring Dominic gave me. I promised I'd be with him forever and I'm leaving. I'm leaving because I'm a coward. Dominic took care of me like he promised and yet I'm still leaving.

Not paying attention, I don't see the truck that goes to pull out in front of me causing it to hit my car on the right side. As if everything is in slow motion I'm thrown into my window as my car flips on it's side. I hear myself screaming but it sounds distant. With the last flip of the car I fly out of the windshield to be thrown in a grassy area.

For a second I think I see Dom until he vanishes. I see a man run up with tears in his eyes and he's saying something but I focus on breathing since it feels like someone's sitting on my chest. Once I see blue and red lights flashing I relax enough to go into what I thought was sleep.


I wake up feeling mostly numb. As I look around the room the blurriness of my vision fades away revealing three men I've never wanted to see more. Edward is silently reading a book in the corner, Nick is passed out by the window, and Dominic is in a chair next to my bed holding my bruised hand.

I gently try to squeeze Dominic's hand rather than trying to use my voice. Immediately Dom shoots up to look at me. His suit is all messed up, his hair is everything but neat, and his eyes are bright red puffy. He's a mess. "Mina." His voice cracked slightly. I can hear Nick and Edward getting up but all I can do is stare at Dominic.

"You left." He croaks causing my eyes to fill with tears. "I know." I say wishing I could run away and hide. This is the hardest conversation I will probably ever have. "Why?" He asks taking my hand and cupping his own face with it. "Why did you leave like that?" I feel my tears well up until they start running down my face.

"I love you so much but I can't be with you in this life, Dominic." He starts kissing my hands begging for me to not leave. At this point I've forgotten that Nick and Edward are here with us. "Dom," I say sitting up and lifting his face wiping away his tears. "I love you more than anything, but this life isn't for me. You're so used to it, you don't see how it affects other people."

Shaking his head he pushes his face down into my hands. "Son," Edward's deep voice rings through the room as he walks to his son placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Being in the mafia you have to lose things." I look over at Nick to see him almost in tears as well.

"What if I don't want to want to be in the fucking mafia!" Dominic screams all of the sudden standing up and throwing his hands in the air. I flinch at his sudden outburst. Edward stares at him with complete calmness and understanding. "Dominic, you need to pick. Mina or the mafia." It didn't even take Dominic a second to answer him.

"I choose her!" He screams even louder. I struggle trying to get up but Nick gently pushes me back down into the bed hushing me. "You need to think about this, Dom." I say crying. He looks at me with a betrayed look on his face. "You can't leave your life for me." I say trying to push Nick away.

"You are my life." He says softly kissing my forehead. "Why can't I just have you." He cries into my hair, I reach up pulling him down into the bed with me. "Why can't you be mine?" He whimpers running his finger over my ring as Edward and Nick leave the room.

"I'm scared that so many things will happen, Dom." I reply, pushing my face into the crook of his neck. "Then let me choose you." He pleads back. "I can't let you ruin your life for me."

"Willamina," His voice breaks. "Please, god please just stay with me. I'll do whatever you want, I'll be whatever you want. You want me to be a teacher? I'll start college next week. If you-" His voice breaks as he chokes on his sobs. "If you want me to change I will." I begin sobbing into his neck.

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