Chapter 3

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"Yeah." I whisper while trying to get up off his lap. Suddenly a sharp pain shoots through my head. Wincing in a pain, Dominic comes rushing over looking at me as if he's asking me if I need help.

"I'm just a little sore." I groan. He nod# passing the pair of joggers to me. I slip them on as he gathers my things. My heart starts beating against my rib cage as I remembered he practically saw me naked only moments ago.

"Let's go, mini. You might need some sort of medication." He mumbles holding my arm as well as carrying my things. Even the small touch of his hand on my elbow made goose bumps quickly spread across my body.

As we passed his father they spoke about a few things, in Russian of course. Probably something about him coming home soon. The guys that surrounded us on our way to the house show back up again as we're leaving.

I can tell they're nervous but I can't understand why. It doesn't look like Dominic is angry or anything. They could possibly be on guard because of what happened with Vic earlier.

"Hey, why do you and your dad have the same rose on your hands?" I ask out of the blue. Dominic looks a little taken off guard for only a second but he quickly recovers.

He doesn't say anything back only giving me a small smile. It must be important, I don't think Dom has ever dodged any of my questions before.

After what seems like hours we finally arrive to the front door. Instead of having to walk to the car a man had pulled it up and threw Dominic the keys. Dom was quick to open the door for me. I sit in the car to see him open the back door and set my things in the back seat.

"I'll buy you some new shoes tomorrow." Dominic says to me as he's getting in the driver's seat. I'm too tired to argue and unfortunately my head feels like it's going to explode. As I lay my head back and close my eyes I can feel Dominic glance over at me every now and then.

"What happened to Vic?" I still hold my eyes shut although I could hear him shift in his seat. He doesn't answer for a few minutes which makes me uncomfortable, but I'm not going to push him to answer me. I'm not even sure who Vic is, I think his last name is Ivanov. I'm just assuming since Dominic got so pissed off when Vic said he wanted to call me 'Mrs. Ivanov'.

"He's dead." Dominic mumbles under his breath. I quickly sat up and looked at him with wide eyes. "My oтец took care of him after we fought." He seems that he actually did not care about him being killed. He brushed it off like he had just been kicked out of the party.

"Why would you kill him?!" I scold as he rolls his eyes at me. "What did he do that was that bad?"

"One, he hit on you. That's a huge no in my family. Two, he challenged me and I won. You can't have someone challenge you over and over without showing your dominance. Three, he laid his hands on you. Also a huge no in the Mafia. We don't put up with people's shit like that. It may not have been that bad to you but to us that was like a gun to our heads. It was an even bigger deal because he challenged the Mafia leader's son. He was challenging the entire Mafia."

"Oh." Is all I can get out. I still don't know why they couldn't have just kicked him out, but then again he could have known too much. I keel my head down and my hands in my lap, not wanting to upset him. His hand makes it's way to mine and gave me a gentle but encouraging squeeze.

"There's a lot more to the Mafia than you will ever know, Mini. I can't protect you from all of it, but I will protect you from most of it." He mumbles pulling into my driveway. "You may not understand our ways and the things we do, but you weren't born in this life. It's not like a bunch of people killing each other, it's different."

I look at Dominic, wanting to say I understand but I just can't. He waits until I nod to get out of the car. I didn't wait for him I just got out and walked into my house leaving the door open for him. He came in the house gently setting down my things somewhere and stood behind me. I could feel him waiting for me to say something but I didn't. I felt his warmth on my back. He slipped his hand onto my waist pulling me into a hug from behind.

His breath tickled my ear and neck, tingles shot through my body. I grumbled something under my breath as he turned me around to face him. I'm not even sure what I was going to say. "I won't ever let anyone hurt you." He whispered against my skin sending chills down my spine. I whimpered as I nodded. "Princess?" He mumbled into my ear making my knees go weak.

"I know, Dominic." It came out more as a plea than a statement, I felt his lips gently pull up into a smile on my collar bone. "Good." With that he pulled my lips to meet his making me melt into his body.

I've wanted to kiss Dominic ever since I first saw him but I felt it was too soon to make any moves. Maybe it is too soon but at the moment all I care about is the 6'4 man hovering over me and what he's about to do next. His frame is so much larger than my small one. I'm only 5'3 so he feels like a giant to me.

Dom pulled away softly caressing my cheek with his fingers. My body felt like it was melted and was expected to be okay, how do you recover from that? I nodded to him not really knowing why but he nodded back. His cold blue eyes focused on every part of me as if I were a piece of art.

"I want to sleep." I mumbled under my breath. I thought maybe he didn't hear me until he nodded again. Suddenly he began to chuckle quietly. "What?" I asked backing away from him and crossing my arms.

"I was just thinking," He took a step forward brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "you have to go on a date with me. I didn't buy you food on the way here." Amusement leaked from his voice at I rolled my eyes at his cheesy comment.

I started walking to my room knowing he would follow me. "After we graduate, which is next week thank God, you can take me out on a date." He mumbled something behind me as I walked over taking a book off my shelf then I slipped under the covers of my bed.

"You're graduating early, too?" Dominic spoke louder this time. I nodded to him as I flipped to my bookmark. I felt the bed by my feet sink as I finally found my place. "Isn't it like Wednesday or something?" I glanced up at him to see him tracing the rose on the back of his hand.

I huffed and sat up. "Yeah. But we still have to walk, you know, go to the actual ceremony at the end of the year." His eyes connected with mine and suddenly I felt insecure.

Here I am with Dominic Gold, the Mafia leader's son, in my room. He was like a God compared to me. His eyes are a dark cold blue, mine are a dull green, his body is probably perfect and mine is on the chubby side.

He suddenly got up and kissed my forehead. The contact nearly made me fall off my bed my heart felt like it was going to burst.

With that he left my room leaving my house completely. I'm too lazy to grab my phone to plug it in so I just lay down in bed and think about him until darkness consumes me.

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