~Dominic's POV~
The sound of talking is what woke me up. At first everything is blurry but then the image starts to clear. My father is at the door talking to some seniors of our Mafia, Nick and some guys are talking in the corner next to me, then on the bed to my right is Mina. My flower.
She looks like she's dead but I can see her chest rising and falling. Her hair is parted but some found its way onto her lips. I can see she's been changed into a night gown, probably due to my father, her leg is poking out of the blanket and it's wrapped up.
"Oтец," I groan trying to sit up. "Oтец," I call again seeing no one has moved. My father immediately runs to my side. Pain shoots through my body but I ignore it. "What happened to her? I swear to fucking god I'll kill him. I'll rip out his-"
"She killed him." My father spoke calmly as he pushes me back down to the bed. He has a small worried smile. My heart felt like it was just ripped out of my chest. "Mina saw that he almost killed you, she grabbed your gun and shot him in the chest. He was dead before Nick and I could get there."
"Who the hell-"
"Son. Please calm down." My father cut me off again. He was trying to calm me down but all I can see is red. Someone shot my fucking babygirl. Then because I was shot so many times and passed out, she had to fucking kill someone because I wasn't there to protect her.
I was there but I didn't protect her. I swear to fucking god I'm going to kill everyone that worked with him.
Before my father can protest in out of the hospital bed and dressing myself trying to ignore all the pain in my body. I hear Mina speaking to me but I can't look at her. I let her down. Just as I go to grab my gun father takes it off the table.
"Son, you need to listen to me. Going and killing a bunch of people isn't what we need," I look at Mina, she's sitting up in the bed trying to get me to come to her. Her lips are pale and she looks like she lost a lot of blood. Still, I keep walking to the door.
"Dominic Silvester Gold!" My father suddenly yells. Everyone in the room freezes. No one dares to move. "Get out in the hallway now!" He calls softer but still loudly.
I quickly walk in the hallway listening to my father talking to the other men. Soon enough he's standing in front of me with his hand on my shoulder.
"Son," He speaks softly. I glance at the door not seeing anyone because it's closed. "I know you want to protect her, but you need to remember that whatever you do affects the entire mafia family."
I feel my heart beat harder and harder. "If it was mom what would you do?" My words were meant to hurt him, but that doesn't mean I actually wanted to hurt him.
I know it affects everyone in the mafia. I know it'll hurt my father the most. He needs to understand that she is my Willamina. He would've avenged mom. That's why he won't tell me otherwise.
He stares at me and nods. "I understand, Dominic. You need to think clearly. What happened to your mom, it was because I wasn't thinking clearly. Please listen to me." I nod to him slowly, but I'm not agreeing completely. I'm agreeing for now.
My father walks away leaving me standing alone in the empty hallway. He's probably going to his office to make plans, but for now I just want to see Mini.
I turn feeling like I'm going to throw up and walk back into the room. Everyone is looking at me with wide eyes as I walk over to Mini. They scurry out of the room to leave us alone without saying a word.
She doesn't say anything for a few minutes, she only moves over so I can lie down next to her. We settle into a comfortable position after I climb into the bed.

Bad Boy's Babygirl✔ [Book 1]
Romance"I won't ever let anyone hurt you." He whispered against my skin sending chills down my spine. I whimpered as I nodded. "Princess?" He mumbled into my ear making my knees go weak. "I know, Dominic." It came out more as a plea than a statement, I fel...