
19 1 0


"Shut the fuck up!" I shouted. Miro looked up from her plate of food and took a sip of her wine. "All yall motherfuckers do is argue, I'm tired of hearing it. It's just a fucking car!" Everyone looked away from me except for, Red she was my baby girl. Not my one and only Daughter, but my baby girl. "Red, sweet heart, tell Daddy what you want" the boys groaned and she smiled happily at me. "I want a red BMW, daddy please??" Her freckles reminded me of, Miro's. She stared at me from the other end of the long table. "Of course you can sweetheart....when your 17" Her smile dropped and the dinner table erupted with laughter. "I hate this family" she mumbled.

"Babe, you get everything you want. You can keep driving your little Honda to school for now"

Aiden has a Cadillac!" She yelled.

"Aiden is older than you"

"Not fucking fair" Red was the only kid Miro had from her actual body. Aidan was hers by love and law and so was Nova. Aidan and Nova were the same age, Aidan was older by 2 months. They are both 18 and Red just turned 16 well I guess I can't forget about or son, Milo. He's Reds twin and he left about 5 months ago to go live on his own and I haven't heard from him since. He's okay cause he text Miro everyday telling her he loves her.

None of my kids have kids which I am grateful for. But I can feel it in my gut that Milo's gonna be the first to start popping them out if he hasn't already. Aidan has a school girl. She was his childhood sweetheart. They grew up together. They have deadass been together for like 14 years since daycare. Red. She was 'that' girl. Not the type of girl to give it up to anybody. She was the type to keep it until she died type girl. And I appreciated it everyday.

Nova. I don't know about Nova. He's odd. But I had a happy family. And most of all a happy and safe wife so I had a happy life.

The door slammed and I heard her walk in. "Fuck I'm hungry" She walked into the dining room a smile on her face. "Hey daddy...." She said slowly as she came and sat in her seat next to me and in front of red.

"Hey ma" she started to fill her plate with food and didn't speak a word. "Where have you been Jemini(Gemini)?" She rolled her eyes. "My friends house, that's all" Miro sighed. Jemini was my oldest daughter. She was me and Macy's daughter. Macy lived next door and most nights, Jemini was over here. "When are you gonna grow up?" She started eating her food and ignored me, her curly hair falling into her face. "Daddy I'm 17 can you chill"

"17, not grown, remember that. Now give me your car keys until you can learn to fucking call when you're gonna be late"



I grabbed my bag and threw it in the passenger seat of my car. Hopping in the driver's seat, I pulled out my phone and told, Rita I was on the way. I put my phone away and started the car. Just as I was getting ready to pull out, Red opens the door and slips in. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "Daddy took my keys because I didn't wanna change clothes" I looked her over and I seen why Pa' was on her case.

"Bye. You can catch the bus or catch a ride with Jimmy" I said, reaching over and opening the door for her. "Uh-uh, not in these shoes... they're new and Jimmy won't take me. She's a bitch"

"Red" She looked at me. "I can see your bra" She shrugged and started fixing her hair in the mirror. "Fuck it" I put the car and drive and made my way to Rita's.

I drove the fifteen minute drive and listened to, Red sing the entire time. "Get in the back" I said just as I pulled up in front of Rita's house. Me and Rita have been together since we were babies. She's the love of my life and I don't know what I'd do without her by my side.

I stepped out the car and opened the door for her like I do Everytime, even though we're just going to school. She came down the steps, her chocolate skin as glowy as ever. "Hey baby" she said smiling. Her plump lips landed on mine as she kissed me softly. I grabbed her ass just as she stepped past me and she pushed my shoulder softly.

"Beautiful" I muttered. Rita lived fairly close to the school so it wasn't a long drive. "Baby did you eat?" I asked. She nodded. "I didn't!" Red yelled from the back. "Too bad" She kicked the back of my chair and pouted like a baby. "You're so fucking annoying" I pulled into my reserved parking spot that Pa' bought me so I didn't have to park far from the school and my car was in the shade.

I hopped out and went over to Rita's side and opened her door. "You look beautiful baby" I whispered in her ear as I pulled her thick body close to mine. "You know your birthday is coming up" She smirked knowingly. We haven't had sex. Me and Rita are still virgins and plan to lose it to each other on our 19th birthday.

"You mean our birthday?" She nodded. You wanna come over today?" I asked, grabbing her soft, freshly manicured hand in mine and pulled her through the school doors. "To watch movies?" Rita was a movie geek. She loves old time movies and her favorite is some movie with Marilyn Monroe in it.

"Of course baby girl" She giggles quietly and leaned into me as I walked her to class.



So wassup with you and me? When you gonna stop dissing me and get with a real nigga?" I tried to ignore Lonnie and just get to my locker but he was making it very hard. With his sexy ass.

"Boy whatever you want you ain't getting from me so you can leave" I said looking him up and down. He licked his lips and stared at me. "Can I get a hug? Deadass all I want is a hug" I rolled my eyes

I looked up at his sexy face before wrapping my arms around his neck and standing on my tippy toes to hug him. His hands landed on my waist and he pulled me closer than expected. My head was on his hard chest and he smelled so fucking good I didn't wanna let go but then I had to remember that this was Lonnie Terrell and Lonnie Terrell don't want nothing but pussy from a bitch so I pushed him away. "Ight that's enough for today" I said. He smiled, "Baby doll you smell good as fuck, like some expensive shit" I chuckled. "Bye Lonnie"

I looked at my locker. The only red one in the building, just for me! Ari, my best friend came over to me. "Hey bestie!"

We hugged and I fixed a piece of her stray hair. "You look cute" I commented. She smiled and opened her locker that was black next to mine. I bought her locker for her birthday last year. I locked at the yellow locker next to my red one and wondered where, Lina was. "Wheres Lina?" I looked to my left and saw her wrapped in the arms of the one and only, King. "Ugh" I groaned. They walked towards us and I rolled my eyes. I didn't like the fact that they were together. It was basically incest! "Hey mami" Lina said kissing my cheek, then doing the same to Ari. King gave me a hug before kissing Lina bye.

Lina had a twin sister but she sadly died of illness a while ago, Aunt Venus never really talks about it. I felt someone burning holes in the back of my head so I turned around. "Hey sis" I looked up at Nova and smiled. He was my favorite brother. I loved him. "Hey, what are you doing?"

He shrugged. "Just thought I'd walk you to class" I looked down before nodding my head and handing him my bag. "Thanks big brother"


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