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"Ms. Hamilton would you care to join us or is Arianna much more interesting?" I rolled my eyes and looked at the teacher. "Arianna is so much more interesting, thank you" I looked back at Arianna and she smiled. "Why are you so bad" I shrugged. "I'm so rich, why not?"

There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see, Lonnie. "What you want Lonnie?" I said. He gave me that super cute smile of his, showing off his grills. " You If that's not too much to ask" he licked his lips and my stomach tingled.

I smiled and looked away. "Can I get your number at least?" I bit my lip, thinking about it. I knew Lonnie and all he wanted was pussy but he was to cute to deny.

"Let me take you out tomorrow night? Let me show you I can be worth your time"

I rolled my eyes and wrote my number down on a piece of paper. I hesitated before giving it to him. "Pick me up at 7. Not 6:59 that's too early and not 7:01 that's too late, ight?"

He nodded. The bell rang and me and Ari walked out of class to go get lunch. "What you wanna eat today?" I asked? She never knew what she wanted to eat.

"I know what I want to eat" a voice whispered in my ear. I turned around and, Nova stood there with a big ass smile on his face.

"What you wanna eat?" I said looking him up and down. "Pizza, duh"



Her thick lips fitted on mine perfectly. I loved her. Her short black hair. Her dark smooth skin. Her eyes. Her body. Her smile- "Baby?" I was pulled out of my train of thought as her soft voice filled my ears.

"I can't see the movie" I smiled. I was on top of her. I didn't care about the movie I only wanted her. "And?" She tried too push me off but I didn't budge. "Aidan...move" I kissed her neck softly and caressed her body that was only covered by shorts and my sweatshirt.

"What are you doing?" She moaned. I smirked and moved away. "Nothing babe" She rolled her eyes and I chuckled. "I hate when you get me hot then stop" I kissed her cheek "You always tell me to stop babe what do you expect?" She looked away. "Aidan...I love you" I smiled.

"I love you too" The door to the theater busted open and in walked mom and dad. "Y'all need to go" Dad said. "What you mean? What's wrong?"

"I mean y'all need to get the fuck out the house, go to a party or something like Jimmy" Me and Rita stared at him for a long time.

"You want me, to be like Jimmy? And go to a party? On a Friday night?" I said slowly, playing with one of my braids.

"Uhh yeah duh" I hopped up and Rita went me. "You ain't gotta tell me twice pops" I hugged him and gave ma a kiss on the cheek. "Bye"


I had walked this hall a thousand times. I knew exactly where her room was. "Daddy I'm cold" I looked down at Miro and she shivered. "I told you to grab a jacket" I pulled my Jean jacket off and handed it to her. "Thanks"

We walked into her room and she laid still in her bed. "Hey ma'" I said. She turned towards me. Her blue eyes dull and old. She smiled. "Hey baby, come give mama a kiss" I went over and kissed her cheek.

"I brought you some pizza, I know they ain't serving it here" She sat up and grabbed the box from me. "Thank you baby" She ate quietly and I just sat in the chair next to her.

"I'm gonna go to the gift shop real fast" Miro said. She went over to ma and kissed her on the cheek. "Love you mama" She left and it was just me and ma.

She reached on the side of her bed and pulled out a folder. "It's your parents" She whispered. I stared at her for a long while. "What do you mean?"

"It shows where your real parents are and who they are and there's pictures too" I nodded and opened it up. The first thing I saw was a man. He was brown skin and bald. He was handsome. Looked just like me.

"This is my dad??" I mumbled. She hummed a simple "Mhm" in response. It said he lived in the Bronx and that he had one other child and it was girl. I didn't bother reading the rest. I flipped the page and there was nothing.

"What about my mom?" She gave me a small smile before handing me another envelope.
I yanked it open and there she was. Her blue eyes staring back at me. "There she is right there"

It was her. "Why'd you lie to me?" I whispered. She didn't look at me. "I had a sister once..." She started. I sighed. " She's the one you remember. She tucked you in at night. And me. I couldn't take care of you. I tried but I didn't have the money. She was my twin and that's why you couldn't tell" I stared at her. "I thought you couldn't have kids"

"I can't" I was confused. "After I had you, your real dad-"

"That ain't my fucking dad" I blurted. Her eyes glazed over.

"Okay. Danny and I discovered that I had ovarian cancer-"

"What about Venus?" A tear dropped for her eye. "She's the outcome of the affair between Jimmy and Alana, my sister. Thats why Venus looks like me and acts likes her. Alana was a little whore-"

"Ma" I said interrupting her. She laughed. She was old now. I was in my late 30s one year away from 40 and shes 70 as of a couple weeks ago. "You're still the same ole ma" I mumbled she cupped my cheek in her hand. "Forever and always"

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