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A/N I'll probably update irregularly. I might write a few parts in a day, and I might write one in a month.

When I got back from checking the scores the first thing I did was burn the jumpsuit with a fireball in the forest of death. Both Kurama and I were grinning ear to ear as we watched the source of some of our mild nightmares twist away, ashes on the wind. We bowed our heads and left, no one but the wind to tell the tale. We fell asleep after that, with Kurama curled up on my chest, looking forward to tommorow.
When we woke, I said,"Kurama, you can stop staying in the apartment now. And I'm finally free of this mask." Kurama yawned and stretched, then grinned."I can't wait to see the look on the Uchiha brats face. Being beaten by the dead last knucklehead might be too much for his poor pride." Upon hearing this I told Kurama,"No more hiding." He gave me a fierce nod.
I started getting dressed. I wore black pants that had faux fox fur on the ends of each leg. I pulled on black steel toe combat boots that had black laces with a red stripe length wise through each lace. I put on a long sleeve fishnet halter top that showed off my abs. I wore my twin long knives strapped to my back. I emptied my weapons pouch and put all of my weapons in a storage seal on my wrist, just below the one with letters from my godparents. Lastly I removed the genjutsu that hid my fox ears, although I didn't have a tail. I was ready to go. Picking Kurama up, I set him on my shoulder. Going to the window, I jumped up and grabbed onto the edge of my roof. I swung up and set off.
As I started to run, Kurama asked,"Why are we running on top of buildings? I thought we were done hiding." I answered,"I like to be up high. The higher I am the smaller everything on the ground is." Kurama's eyes went wide as he understood. He looked down at the villagers. "Okay then, I have another question. Why are we running at all? Why don't we just go there?" I sighed. This again. "I developed the Hirashin to avoid fatal wounds. Thanks to your longevity, once I turn 21 years of age I will be immortal. The regenerative ability you gave me as my 5th birthday gift is impressive, but it isn't the same as being invulnerable, which is why I have that jutsu. However using it for travel, for distances that take less than an hour anyway, is just cheating at life. So stop whining and enjoy the sights."
We reached the academy after much grumbling *cough* Kurama *cough* and stopped in front of the classroom door. I took a deep breath. Letting it go, I pushed open the door. The whispering started soon after. I knew the effect I would have, I just couldn't bring myself to care."OMG who's the new kid?" "He's so cute." "No way, he's hot." "I didn't think it was possible, but he's cute and hot at the same time!" One voice was louder than the rest."What is the meaning of this Iruka Sensei! The exams are over. We shouldn't be getting any new students!" Sasuke yelled. Iruka just looked at them. Then he reached out and rubbed my ears, making me purr."Alright Naruto take your seat." As I made my way to my usual seat beside Sasuke you could have heard a pin drop. Then Kiba whispered."No way.....Naruto?"
I nodded."This is the real me. I stopped holding back and removed my genjutsu." Shikimaru asked,"So this is the reason you're top of every subject?" I nodded."Man what a drag. To think the dead last was actually the best one here." Before I could be bombarded with questions Iruka Sensei started telling us what teams we were on. I asked him to put me on team 7 because that's my favorite number. I tuned him out until I heard that number called."Team 7 is Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sasuke Uchiha. Please wait for your sensei to arrive." I didn't mind the team. Sasuke was rather strong and Sakura had exceptional chakra control. If they annoyed me I could just ignore them. Contrary to my mask, I am a very quiet person by nature. Soon everyone was gone except for team 7. Just as expected my two teammates opened their mouths to speak. I held up my hand."I will not talk about why I was hiding the real me. I don't want to deal with the drama, and if you insult me as you always have I will tear out your guts." I let loose my killer intent. They shut up but Sasuke wouldn't quit glaring. That was fine, as long as they were quiet.

Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's maskWhere stories live. Discover now