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As Kakashi told us to start, I masked both my scent and my chakra and headed west. As soon as I got a far enough distance away I sent out two shadowclones, one to Sasuke and one to Sakura. I had already laid a trap in the five minutes before Kakashi got here. I told my shadowclones to convince the others to help. I had them disperse when the others agreed. One of the shadowclones memories entered my mind. Sasuke agreed after I told him I wouldn't take the bells for myself. The other clone was next and she agreed for the same reason. Wouldn't want to be separated from her precious Sasuke after all.
My clones had already told them the plan, so I got into position. After a while I heard the sounds of fighting. I surmised that Sakura had done her part of luring him to a certain point and 'falling' for his genjutsu. Then Sasuke was to fight him, without giving away that he was bringing Kakashi to me. After a short pause I saw them leap into the clearing. Sasuke left by throwing a paperbomb at Kakashi and letting the force from the explosion push him out of sight. As the smoke started to clear, I activated the seal I set up before Kakashi got to the training grounds. Kakashi was stuck in one place on top of a glowing white seal. I knew not to underestimate him since he could still use jutsu's and throw kunai, but he could no longer dodge or move. I used chakra chains to wrap his arms, preventing him from fighting back. Then I walked up to him after jumping down from my tree and grabbed the bells. Sakura and Sasuke came and stood to either side of me, both wearing a smirk. "Now what are you going to do with the bells?" Kakashi asked. Without saying anything, I held the bells out to each side, and felt both of my comrades get their bells. "And what of you?" Kakashi seemed amused. I answered. "You told us we had to get a bell. You didn't say anything about keeping it, Kakashi Sensei." Kakashi chuckled. "That I didn't. Congratulations, you all pass."
Sakura squealed, and Sasuke looked bored, but I knew he was glad. The two left, Sakura trying and failing to get a date. I was about to follow when Kakashi told me to wait. "Yes Kakashi Sensei?" I raised my eyebrow. "How did you use those jutsus? Chakra chains is a kekkai genkai, and that seal was too advanced for even a jounin." I contemplated answering. "The chakra chains are one of my secrets, but I'll tell you about the seal." Kakashi nodded. "The seal is one that I learned from a dear furry friend of mine. He taught me many things. He found out seal making was something that I both enjoyed, and was good at, and so he would dedicate one day a week to just that." Kakashi seemed confused as to what I meant by furry friend, but understood that I wouldn't tell him. I was about to leave when Kakashi asked something that stopped me in my tracks. "Would you like to go on a date sometime?" I was shocked. I didn't think he liked me the same way. Blushing a little, I told him, "There's a star festival in Ash, a town a few miles away next week. We could go there." I could tell Kakashi was grinning through his mask. "I'll be looking forward to it." He said. I nodded goodbye and went home.
When I got back Kurama jumped down from my shoulder. "Are you sure about this Kit?" He asked. "He might end up being no different from anyone else." I could tell Kura was worried. "I want to take a chance Kurama." I said. "I know that the happier I am, the more it hurts when I'm betrayed. But I really like him. I feel lighter when he's around. I'm scared too, but I know that if I do nothing I'll regret it. There might be a lot of pain, but on the other hand there might be a true shot at happiness." I could tell Kura was about to argue, but before he could I continued. "He makes me feel like smiling. He honestly makes me feel like giving him my first smile."At that Kura was shocked. I have never given a real smile so he knew I was serious. He sighed. "Be careful with your heart Kit." I could tell he was still worried. I picked him up and said, "I know if he hurts me you'll give him hell." Kura seemed to brighten after that.

Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's maskWhere stories live. Discover now