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I was bored. Our sensei still wasn't here. Sakura was twirling her hair and Sasuke was being a brooding emo. I suddenly had a brilliant idea. I got up and got an eraser. Sakura asked,"What are you doing, Naruto?" I answered absent mindedly."I'm setting up a little gift for our sensei." I could see the incredulous looks they were giving me, but I ignored them. Unbeknownst to the other two I put my chakra into the eraser. I knew the odds of him letting it fall on him were high, since he would have gotten files on all of his pupils, including the class clown. The chakra in the eraser would be transferred to our sensei making in possible for me to track him anywhere. Now he wouldn't be able to be late unless I was. Only a sannin could detect the chakra I put in there. As I sat down, the door opened. As predicted, the eraser fell on our sensei. Who just so happened to be gorgeous. He had silky silver hair, smooth skin, and it felt like I was drowning in his onyx eye. Shaking off the thought, I spoke. "That's what you get for letting things fall on you." I was kind of glad he was here. Pissed he was this late but glad. The only interesting thing that had happened in the last three hours was when Sakura tried to take Kurama off of my shoulder. He bit her. He won't let anyone other than me touch him when he's outside my dad's seal. Our sensei glared at me. He said to the three of us,"Be on the roof in 5." He left in a bit of a huff. Sasuke and Sakura left."Hey Kurama, wanna have some fun with our new sensei?" I asked. Kurama just smiled. I used my chakra to climb the wall. I arrived a good five minutes before the others would. I looked at our sensei. I had masked my chakra signature before leaving the classroom so I wasn't too worried about getting caught. It wasn't long before I noticed what was in his hand."No way!" I yelled."You actually read that smut?!" It was Icha Icha Paradise, the series my godfather wrote. He snapped his head around and his eyes widened."How did you get up here without me noticing?" He demanded."I masked my chakra and climbed the wall. I'm not the idiot everyone thinks I am. That was an act. Only a few people knew the truth. You should ask for an updated file, but you probably still won't know much about me."I sat down with my legs stretched out and leaning back on both hands. Before our sensei could ask anything else, the other two arrived, shocked that I was there first. Sasuke pursed his lips and looked away. Sakura had hearts in her eyes, despite having been a bitch to me all through the academy. They both sat down near me. Our sensei spoke."We will now start introductions."I noticed Sakura getting ready to say something undoubtedly stupid and spoke up before she could. "You go first sensei, we still don't know your name." He nodded. "My name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes are none of your concern. I have a lot of hobbies. Dreams? Never really thought about it."Kakashi said." Alright pinkie you next." "My name is Sakura Haruno. My likes are *🐖 squeals*, my hobbies are *dying 🐖 squeels*, my dream for the future is *creepy giggles*." Kakashi sighed."And your dislikes are?" Sakura shouts."Naruto!" I sighed. Turning to Sasuke I said,"No brooding emo rant about revenge alright? After Sakura's little show I'm in the mood to kill something, and if you go with that spheel, it'll probably be you." Sasuke glared, but remembered my killer intent from the classroom. He knew I wasn't some idiot he could just push around. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha." Kakashi looked confused. "That's it?" "That's it." Sasuke said glaring at me. Kakashi gave a short nod then said, "Alright now blondie." I looked at him. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. That's all you need to know for now." Kakashi looked back at me. "Alright everyone meet me at the training field at 6:00 tomorrow morning. We'll be having your real final exam there. Don't eat breakfast unless you want to puke." Kakashi left, then so did the other two. I stared at the sky for a while, then I started heading to the gates to leave for the nearest village for food. When I got back I set Kurama down on the bed and got in the shower, letting the water flow over my scars.

Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's maskWhere stories live. Discover now