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A/N Slower updates with slower ideas. Gomen.

After defeating the beanbag I wandered back upstairs. I had started to read one of my dads journals, but his handwriting was giving me a headache. I knew who my real friends were and I had a great boyfriend. "Speaking of that boyfriend of yours......?" Kurama invaded my thoughts again despite being right next to me. "I'm going to see him now. No peeping in my mind." Glaring at Kura, I went to Kakashi's place.
He left the window open. I gave him a seal before I left that would keep everyone but me out. He was asleep on the bed. His chest was bare and the blankets were tangled around his legs. I sat on the edge of the bed. He was super cute. I reached over and brushed aside a lock of his hair. His eyes opened a bit. "Morning sleepy." He smiled, mask twitching, and grabbed my arm. I fought screeching like a girl as he pulled me down on top of him. My face was really close to his and I just knew I was blushing. "Mornin." He said back. He pulled down his mask for a kiss. I swear I turned 50 shades of red. He took my chin and guided my lips down. After a short kiss that left me gasping for breath, he asked, "Want to get ramen. You know Teuchi's gonna complain about how you haven't been seeing him as often." I just nodded. I was really happy. I'd get to spend the afternoon with both my favorite and second favorite people in the world. We left as soon as Kashi got dressed. I held on to his hand really tight. The whispers of 'demon' and 'monster' were gone but I think the new whispers were just as scary. They kept saying 'don't they just look cute together' and 'I'm so jealous' and 'think they'd be up for a threesome' which were just plain disturbing. Hate I was used to. I didn't know what this was. Kashi noticed my unease and squeezed my hand. I smiled gratefully. We finally made it to Ichyraku Ramen. "Two miso ramen please." Kakashi said, settling on a stool. I sat beside him. "Coming right up." It took a few seconds for her to comprehend what she'd seen. "NARUTO!" Ayame said. "It's been a while, what brings you here?" I smiled at her. "I'm on a date with Kashi." I said. She huffed. "Well it's about time." We stared at her. I finally broke the silence. "I'm not even going to ask how you knew." Ayame just gave a mysterious smile. "Well enjoy your date." She placed our ramen in front of us and we dug in, Kakashi as soon as her back was turned. When we were finished we walked up to the top of the Hokage monument. The sun was setting over the village. The clouds turned pink. I leaned back into Kakashi's chest and he wrapped his arms around me. Then he said Something that completely killed the mood. "Tora escaped again and tomorrow if the cat isn't back we're going to have to catch it." I remembered what happened last time vividly. "Sakura might try to kill the poor thing." Kakashi grimaced. "They found out how you handled Tora before so they're sending you alone." I held a relieved expression. Animals and I have always gotten along. "What will you and the others do in the meantime?" Kakashi put his chin on my head. "Cleaning someone's pool." I elbowed Kakashi. "What was that for?!" I looked at him. "I want a kiss." Kakashi rolled his eyes. "So demanding." He said. I giggled. It didn't stop him from giving me what I wanted.

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