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A/N I'm lazy so I'm probably going to use the same photos after a while.

I woke up to a crash in the kitchen. It didn't take me long to realize that my team left me behind. I sped down the hallway,  thinking that it was a good thing that I was too tired last night to take my pants off, and arrived to see two meatheads threatening Inari and his mom. Inari had a determined look, and was throwing kitchen utensils at them. I couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that two guys with some pretty bigass weapons were hiding behind a table. Deciding to put them out of their misery, I knocked them out and tied them up with rope from the seal on my left wrist. I was pretty sure I knew the answer, but just to be sure I asked Inari, "They left without me didn't they?" Inari nodded solemnly. I was about to leave, but realized I'd forgotten a shirt. I ran to the bedroom and grabbed a black hoodie with faux fox fur lining. I lifted the hood up so I wouldn't have to reapply the genjutsu that hid my ears. My team and Tazuna's family had seen them, as well as some of the less evil people in the village, but they would cause a stir anywhere else, so for the entire mission so far I had a genjutsu on. I'm proud of my ears though, so I'm just going to start wearing a hood, and if someone sees my ears that probably shouldn't, that's just too bad. I used my Hirashin to get to the bridge, worried I might be too late. I saw Sakura with the bridge builder, and Kakashi was fighting Zabuza. I saw an ice dome, and figured that was probably Haku and Sasuke. Haku threw senbon needles, and it didn't look like Sasuke would be able to dodge in time. Sliding through the ice, I took out my own senbon from the seal on my right wrist, using them to deflect Haku's attack. In the time that I was helping Sasuke train, he's finally learned to respect my decisions, and so didn't comment on me coming inside the dome. I realized this was a kekkai genkai, and so understood it couldn't be destroyed by normal means. I used my earth style to shield Sasuke from the blast that was to come, as well as prevent him from seeing a strong jutsu that might harm his fragile ego, and used my new technique of combining wind and fire natures into the Rasengan. It shattered all of the ice mirrors in the dome, and severely injured Haku.
"I continue existing only for Zabuza. I have failed him so now I ask, will you kill me?" I was shocked. "Is he really worth dying for?" Haku smiled. "To me he is." I understood. I would do the same for Kakashi, even though we haven't been together very long. "It would appear that it won't be by your hands I die. Zabuza still has use of me after all." In that instant he disappeared, reappearing in front of Zabuza, taking Kakashi's chidori through his heart. Zabuza then cut through Haku to try to attack Kakashi. At that moment I threw two senbon into the neurotransmitters in the crook of his elbows, paralyzing both of his arms. Just then Gato showed up. He ranted about how Zabuza and Haku were worthless, and how he wasn't going to pay them anyway. "Kid, give me a kunai." I looked at Zabuza, already knowing what he was going to do. "Are you sure?" I questioned. He nodded. I threw him a kunai, and he caught it in his mouth. He then proceeded to carve a bloody path to Gato, killing him and pushing him over the edge of the bridge. Gato's men were about to go to the town to 'collect their payment' but Inari and the townspeople showed up and drove them off. We left to go back to the leaf village the next day.

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