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Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "We had a bit of a run in with some Suna bullies." Kashi just nodded. "How are you Konahamaru?" He asked. "I'm doing great. My friends and I played ninja and when the cat man showed up Naruto nii-san broke his fingers." Kakashi gave me a pointed look. "I was in a good mood until he ruined it. It was his own fault Kashi." I pouted. "Let's just go in and eat."
After we ate, Konahamaru went to find his grandfather. Kashi and I strolled around. After a while, we ended up at the memorial stone. "Another secret for a secret?" Kakashi asked. "Always." I returned. "Obito was another one of my teammates. He was always late and had the stupidest excuses. He was the one who taught me the true meaning of the word comrade. I always put the mission first. Right up until Obito went off on his own to save Rin. I followed. I still wasn't sure why at the time. We rescued Rin but Obito was crushed beneath a boulder. As he was dying, he gave me his sharingan." Kakashi finished speaking. I squeezed his hand. "I'm terrified of losing those I love. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have lost everyone. I was alone the first 10 years of my life. Then Iruka Sensei showed up and he treated me like a person. I didn't actually trust him until shortly after graduation though, something I will always regret. I'm also rather awkward around people who are kind to me, since kindness to me usually equated to someone trying to poison me. As time went by, I opened up to more and more people. Although the majority of them still have no clue what I truly think or feel. Everything I could have had, a family, a happy life, was gone before a had the chance to miss it. You were the first person to see the real me, and the first to see a real smile." I waited rather nervously. I had no idea how he might react. Then Kashi spoke. "Naru, I always want to see your smile. I want you by my side. I care about you to the point that there's a pain in my chest whenever I don't see you." I caught my breath. "Is this a roundabout way of you asking me to marry you?" My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. Kakashi glanced in my direction. "And if I said it was?" I stared at him. After a minute what I heard registered in my brain. "Then I guess I would probably say yes." I choked out. "Probably?" Kakashi looked worried. "Well you haven't technically asked me yet so there's no way of knowing." Kakashi's eye widened. "Picky picky." He said. "Fine. Would you, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, marry me?" I tackled him in a hug. "Yes. I will marry you." Kakashi wrapped his arms around me. "Now all that's left is to hand planning the wedding over to Tsunade and set a date." Kakashi said. "How about after the chunnin exams for the date. After the wedding I'd have to mark you as my mate." Kakashi looked confused. "Since I become immortal at 21, it wouldn't do if my husband was to die before me. In marking you, I share my longevity." I explained. Kakashi nodded. "Since it's generally the chunnin's that organize the exams, I'll use the parts of the exams no one can watch to start moving into your place." Kakashi said. I just nodded. I got an idea. "Hey Kashi?" "Yes?" "I'm leaving you to face the fire again. You tell Jiji so he can let Tsunade know to organize the wedding." I used Hiraishin to get home before he could stop me.

Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's maskWhere stories live. Discover now