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A/N I'm too lazy to go looking for more pictures so I'll just use my favorite one the rest of the story.

'Stupid Tora' I thought. I couldn't find her anywhere and there was no way I was calling her name until I found her. Just then I spotted her ribbon. "Tora!" Tora came running over to me. 'I'm fine if you catch me, but I really don't like that lady. She cuddles too much.' "I know Tora. I'm sorry you have to go through that." I whispered. "Although you could at least make it easier for me to find you." I said grumpily. After I returned Tora to her owner, I decided to check up on Kakashi and the rest of team 7. When I got there I couldn't help but laugh. Kakashi was in one of the beach chairs with a coconut drink, just chillin, and Sasuke and Sakura were down in the pool covered in slime. I sat in a chair next to Kakashi. "How do you get done with your solo missions so fast?" Kakashi asked. "Secret. But I'll give you a hint. The only reason I don't finish team missions fast is because I enjoy watching those two struggle." "Then the answer is shadowclones." Kakashi said. "Yep." I popped the 'p'. It sounded funny. "While their doing that I can think of something better for us to do." Kakashi had a mischievous glint in his eye. "And that is?" By way of answer he pulled me off of my chair and into his lap. I blushed a deep red. I was about to kiss his lips over his mask but "EEEWWWW" sounded from the direction of the pool. "Water Style: Raging Torrent." I helped. They were drenched and furious. Especially Sasuke. He had his sharingan activated but couldn't copy my jutsu. I placed a seal on my arm that made my jutsu impossible to copy in any way. My fuinjutsu is off the charts. I ran away, pulling Kakashi behind me, as those two chased us. Kakashi and I managed to ditch them by hiding around a corner. "Wanna go to my place?" I asked. "I don't see why not." Kakashi answered. "Let's just stop by the Hokage's office and give our mission reports first." I nodded.
When we got there the receptionist nodded us in. We handed our reports to the Hokage. Before we could leave he asked, "Where are you two going?" I sighed. "My place." "Mind if I come?" I gritted my teeth. "And have to wait for you to leave before I can kiss Kakashi? No." Jiji sputtered. Kakashi said, "At least he's straightforward." I grabbed hold of Kakashi's hand. I had a Hiraishin kunai in the mailbox, so to insure no followers, I teleported straight there. Opening the door, I noticed Kurama dragged a bunch of blankets into the hallway and made a nest. He was curled up on top sleeping. I shook my head. "Why don't you sit down while I fix some tea?" I suggested. Kakashi nodded. After I fixed the tea I went back to the parlor. I handed Kakashi his and curled up by his side. "Tomorrow I'm going to be giving you guys passes for the chunnin exams." Kakashi smiled. "I guess you'll be seeing more of my true strength then." I hummed. I set my tea down. Kakashi already finished his. I wound my arms around his neck. Purring, I snuggled up. It was nice being close to him. Kakashi chuckled. "We should get some sleep." Kakashi said. I pouted. "Fine. But I call the side of the bed closest to the wall. I don't want to fall off because of you Mister Bedhog." I could see him blushing just above his mask.

Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's maskWhere stories live. Discover now