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A/N I'll only write a bit about Naruto's battles. The proctor will be Hayate the whole time.

The five days were up. I used that time to study more fuinjutsu. I created an anti rape seal for ninja in the field and an ultimate defence seal that leaves someone invincible for ten minutes after use. We all arrived at the colosseum at around the same time. The proctor was about to explain the exam. "I am Hayate, your third *coughing fit* proctor. Since there are so many of you *cough* we will be holding preliminary rounds to the tournament. The matches will be selected randomly. Please *cough* turn your attention to the board." We looked at the board. The match would be between Kiba and I. "Everyone except the combatants *cough* please leave the arena. Combatants start." As soon as he said start I dropped a stinkbomb. It was made out of wet fur, skunk spray, and rotted meat. I plugged up my nose before we started. Akamaru passed out from the smell and Kiba was barely standing. I walked over and held up my hand. I tapped him once, lightly, and he fell over unconscious. While I was lucky enough to go up against a tracker this round, I doubted it would happen again. "Winner Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze by way of knockout." Hayate said. I went up to the seating area. I looked around for Kakashi. We had to hand out the invitations Tsunade made and damned if I was doing it myself. "There you are Kashi. Tsunade made us the invitations to the wedding. You WILL help me hand them out." Kakashi paled when he noticed the look on my face. He nodded quickly. "WHAT IS THIS ABOUT A WEDDING MY ETERNAL RIVAL? ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED? WHO'S THE ONE WHO MANAGED TO CAPTURE YOUR HEART?" Gai shouted. Kashi sighed. I smirked. "He has an invitation in your stack. Don't worry, if you're that nervous I can hold your hand while you give the invitations to the other senseis." He mock glared at me. That look slowly softened though. "Promise?" He asked hesitantly. "Promise." I said, reaching for his hand. Kakashi turned to Gai. "This blonde idiot right here is the one who stole my heart. And (un)fortunately I have to give you an invite to the wedding." Kakashi handed him the invite and hurriedly dragged me away. When we were far enough that we couldn't hear him yelling anymore we both laughed. "Kurenai is next remember." I said. "Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes at him. When we delivered the invitations to Kurenai and Asuma their reactions were normal, congratulations and on Asuma's end surprise that anyone could get Kakashi to settle down. "Time for me to hand invitations to teams 7, 8, 9, and 10. Do you want to run away while I do that?" I asked. "Yes." Kakashi said weakly. Sakura already hit him once for not talking to her about the wedding. For some reason females tend to think weddings are something to squeal about. Even Tsunade acts that way. "Go on then." "You're a lifesaver." Kakashi said before kissing me on the forehead and leaving. Just before handing out the invitations I noticed Sasuke drained the chakra of someone who was using the same technique to drain his. I smiled a bit. "Kiba." I called. "What?" He snarled. "Not sore over losing are you?" I teased. "What the hell was in that thing?" He asked. "Doesn't matter. Here's an invitation to the wedding." Kiba smiled. Then he frowned. "Will I have to dress up for this thing?" He grouched. "Yes." I said and went to look for Hinata. "Hinata, here's an invitation to the wedding. Shino, you too." Hinata blushed and Shino nodded. I found team 9 all in the same place. "Lee, Neji, and Tenten right? Kakashi and I are getting married soon and since you're Gai's team you're invited. Hope we get to know each other better in the future." After team 10 and team 9 I decided to see team 8. "Ino, Shika, Choji. Here are your wedding invites." They all reacted differently. "FOOD." "OMG." "How troublesome." It was about time for the prelims to wrap up so I hurried to deliver the last two invites. "Sakura, Sasuke, here." I said. The Hokage interrupted before I could say anything else. "The final round will take place in a month." I was seething. He did that deliberately, I was sure of it.
He knew I wanted my wedding ASAP. I was going to get him for this.

Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's maskWhere stories live. Discover now