The Messenger

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Aria practically threw herself into the womens' toilets. After she left the cafe, she raced to the supermarket not far from the cafe and here she was.

She fanned her hot cheeks as she stared at herself in the mirror. She turned the cold tap on and quickly sprayed little droplets onto her face before using the sleeves of her sweater to dab herself dry. She took a few deep breaths as she returned to staring at herself. She blinked herself back as she turned off the tap and shook her head.
She had never been flustered by a guy before. Maybe it was the sprint from A to B but something about him stirred something inside her. The way he stared at her...Like he wanted to destroy her right there on that couch. Whatever it was, she couldn't justify it.
Men, let alone boys, never looked at her and if they did, it certainly wasn't like that. Aria was just Aria...She was small, kinda, around 5'4, slim and kinda flat chested with her hair tied up with long lashes. She looked like a kid. Why would a man like that look at a kid like that?
She looked at herself one last time in the mirror. She had been called pretty a lot, and cute. But would you have sex with someone who you consider cute? No!! You'd sleep with someone who you thought was stunningly hot, which she wasn't.
She sighed as she pulled her sweater down a little and pulled her jeans up before turning and exiting. As she left the store, the impressive car that had been sitting outside the cafe was gone. She wanted to go back and finish reading the book she was clutching . She had an exam on it tomorrow and all she wanted was to re-read it for any useful pieces of information before returning to her little apartment. She had chosen English Literature as her course mainly because her father was a historian and her mother was a language arts teacher. It was like teachers had kids who became teachers.

She walked back to the cafe and slipped inside, luckily it was more quiet now and that gorgeous man was gone. She wandered quickly back to the couch she had been sitting on and sat down as she flicked through the pages of her book. There were two girls sitting nearby who kept looking over at her.
"Yep, that's her,"
"Where's her tits?"
"He was hot, she's not!"

She was trying to keep her thoughts to herself when a deep, masculine voice broke her away from her book. Not for the first time tonight. She closed her eyes as she prayed it wasn't the same guy before she looked up. She could have just went home but no, she had to return to the scene of the crime. She looked up.
Thankfully it wasn't the same guy. It was another man, the one who had been sitting in the armchair near the door, she noticed him as she ran from cover from the other one.
This guy wasn't as attractive but still nice-looking. He reminded her of a art teacher at her old high school. He had a nice tan, with bright blue eyes, blonde hair and a buff looking torso.
"Uh, hi," she croaked, closing her book as he sat down beside her.
"I see you're reading Fitzgerald, I was wondering if you could recommend some other authors," said Steven, looking at her with narrow eyes, as if she was prey.

Aria gulped as she nodded slowly, "Sure, uhm...What kinda books do you like?"
Thankfully, this man hadn't affected her as much as the other.
"It's not for me, it's ah...For a friend, you could say," he admitted, sitting back on the couch, "He likes romance...But not just romance, mostly dark,"

"There's the whole Fifty Shades collection," replied Aria, unsure of any actual dark romance stories.
"Is that what you're into?" asked Steven, glancing down at the book in her lap.

Aria's eyes widened.

"I mean, do you like those books?" he asked, picking up on how fast she got embarrassed. She seemed sweet and shy though. Certainly not his friend's usual type.

Aria bit her bottom lip, "They were okay,"

"So should I go along those kinda stories for my friend?" asked Steven, standing up and looking at the two girls who had been bitching about Aria.

Aria nodded as she kept her eyes on her book.
"Do you need a lift home?" asked Steven, looking down at her, "Don't worry. I'm not a murderer or anything and I'm not trying to hit on you,"
"Uh, no. I only live a two minute walk away," smiled Aria, standing up.
Steven nodded as Aria began to walk away.
He followed, "So, Fitzgerald. Are you studying English?"
Aria glanced back and nodded as she headed towards the door.

"College?" asked Steven, as Aria pulled the door open.
"Uh, Wallwater Uni," said Aria as Steven followed her out, "I didn't catch your name,"

"Steven," he smiled as he walked over to his car, "You?"

"Aria," she said, staying near the cafe door as she watched him.

Steven nodded, "Thanks for the books, Aria,"
He then slammed his car door shut and started it up.

Aria quickly began walking down the street, unsure of how to take everything that just happened. If that hot guy wanted book recommendations, he could have asked instead of making her run then send his friend to go meet her.

Soon enough, Aria unlocked the door to her small apartment and slid in before locking...And bolting, the door. She looked at the clock hanging in the hall. She knew everything she needed for any question that came up but extra revision never hurt anyone. She made sure her keys were in the door before turning into the kitchen and getting a bottle of water out the fridge before heading out and through to the living room where her stack of books, essays and pens lay. She sat down on the canvas couch as she kicked her converse off and placed her water down. She looked to her right and squinted out the large window. Usually it was dark everywhere but there was one light sticking out to her. The house looked to be about ten minutes, fifteen at a push, away and the light was emitting from a balcony as whoever it was left the doors open.

Across town, Eli was sitting at his desk, still naked from his shower.

His mind was still racing with the sight of her, if he tried hard enough, he could remember the exact scent he got from her. She smelled so sweet, like nothing he had ever experienced before. He thought about the chocolate that was emblazed in her irises and knew that those exact eyes would be all he could see as he slept tonight. He was staring straight ahead when Steven entered.
"I'm sorry for just coming in," said Steven, coming over to him, "You're still not dressed, you staying home tonight?"

Eli flexed, "What do you want, Steve?"
"The girl," sighed Steven, crouching next to Eli, "She is a shy girl, very...Shall we say, thin in all departments. She's very pretty and she's studying English at Wallwater Uni, most likely become a teacher. She isn't your usual type but she certainly has something around her which makes her suitable for you,"

"I can smell her on you...Like her perfume," said Eli, still staring ahead.
Steven nodded, "She isn't into dark romance stories but she was ready to help me find new authors so she does know some amount of stories. Her name is Aria...Good night, Eli,"
Eli nodded slowly as Steven left again. He sat for a further moment.

'Aria...Human,' he thought, frowning slightly.
He had been with many women before and some had been, what he would call, "Mates" but he hadn't felt for another since Kimberly. The whole 'mating' thing was stupid.

Of course he could marry a human but then she'd die and he'd have to start all over again...

He could turn a human, marry her and they'd be together. Turning was always a challenge, one that Eli wasn't fond of, since he had practically killed so many girls who then died, again, later because they didn't feed. To turn, the human had to be bitten, be killed and then drink the vampire's blood before feeding on something else. 
Could he really take this girl's life? Could she even accept him?
If she didn't, could she outrun him?
Picture On Top; Emma Watson as Aria
Video On Top; 'I Found' by Amber Run

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