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Became yours?

I was still in the hospital, my third day in. Tsunade-San still hasn't arrived and at this point I'm done waiting. Neither of my brothers have visited me and my parents are still away on a mission. Kakashi-Sensei, Sasuke and Naruto were away on a mission, which I was grateful for. I don't none of them worrying about me.

I couldn't help but think about the day Naruto told me that Sasuke likes me. Even if he did or didn't, I don't want him to know about my illness. It makes me look weaker than I already am.

I am capable of becoming a strong person, but right now I think it'd be better if I become a medic ninja just like Tsunade said. But I don't want to follow behind my teammates like a dog. I want to fight and protect them.

The doctors knocked on my door, today I'll be doing psychical therapy because my legs are weak. They brought in a wheelchair which made me feel uneasy.  But they were stopped by a certain blonde lady. Making me delighted. "Tsunade-San!" I yelled.

"I'll take it from here. Thank you for taking care of her while I was away." Tsunade said, sending them off. "So what did I miss?"


Tsunade brought me crutches and we walked around the village. "Sorry for not coming earlier. Got to caught up with gambling."

"Tsuna-San, I have a question."

"What is it?" She asked, making me frown, "how much time do I have left? I mean I know I don't have much time left but I want to-"

"Don't ever say that. You have all the time you want. And I would never, ever let you die on my watch because it's my job to keep you alive, you got that?" Tsunade said. I found it amazing how one person can dedicate their whole time to you, to make sure you're doing well, to make you sure you're not alone. It's amazing what loving someone can make you do.

"(Y/n), I'll give you all the time in the world." Was the last thing she said before starring at the Sakura petals fall. "I think I like Uchiha Sasuke..." I said, making Tsunade amused. "An Uchiha huh?"

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"(Y/n)-Chan!" Naruto yelled as he ran towards Tsunade and I. "Is that Uzumaki Naruto?" Tsunade asked me as he got closer to us. "Yeah.."

I could see Sasuke walking behind Naruto. "Be more quiet you dobe, you're in public and outside a hospital." The Uchiha stated, with his hands tucked inside his pockets. "Who's that, is she your mom?!" Naruto asked, making me laugh.

"Ha! She's my grandmother-"

Before I could even finish, Tsunade hit me on my head. "I am not. Anyways, you must be (Y/n)'s teammates."


We left Sasuke and Naruto to be, and Tsunade and I started walking to my house cause she said she'll treat me there since she knows I'm not the biggest fan of hospitals. I've been sick since I could remember. Either I fainted a lot, was extremely fatigued, or I struggled to walk.

My parents still think it's a bad idea for me to continue as a ninja. And lately I have been doubting myself, but thanks to Sasuke I think I've gained my motivation again. My new goal is to go against Uchiha Boy. Even with this illness.


"Do you think there's something wrong with Senju?" I asked Naruto as we walked back to the training fields. "Huh? Why do think that, dattebayo?" Shrugging, I started walking the direction we came from. "I need to talk to her, later."

Running back to the direction the lady and (Y/n) were going, I caught glimpses of them. Getting closer I saw (Y/n) sit down on a bench as the blonde lady looked at her, worried. Seeing that Senju was still on crutches I thought maybe she could support herself better, but seems not. This is what I meant that something is going on with Senju (Y/n).

Standing up again, with her crutches, the two continued walking. I secretly following behind. I miss the (Y/n) that really didn't give a care in the world, who always was with her brothers. She's really changed as the days passed.

"Tsunade-San, I can take it from here.. You can go have fun for a while... Really! I'm fine, don't worry!" I heard Senju say, as the blonde lady was hesitant to leave her alone. "I swear, if you get hurt-"

"I won't, promise! Go have fun, Tsuna-San." (Y/n) said, signaling her to leave. "Oi, Senju."

I saw her turn around and her face seemed to redden. "Uchiha Boy! What are you doing here?!" Until I saw her loose grip of her crutches, she fell on the ground, and she instantly got in her usual depressed state. "Eh.. My legs gave up on my again." She jokingly said. Making light of the situation.

I starred at her as she sat on the ground, acting as if nothing ever happened. "You could've at least help me." (Y/n) said, walking towards her, I put her arm around my shoulder so she can support herself. "Look, I'm sorry for not telling you, or Naruto about any of this.. Truth is... I fractured my ankle and I'll be out for a wh-"

"You're such a bad liar, you know that?"

#6 I guess you found out.

End of Chapter 9.

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