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Will you know?

"Now you know Sasuke. Are you happy now?" I said, looking at Sasuke. I was surprised to see a slight smile, or smirk on his face. "I thought it was gonna be something serious, Senju. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Looking at him confused, I saw Sasuke stand up, and he reached his arm out to me.

"I'll help you out."


It's been a week since I've told Sasuke that I'm moving out of the village for my treatment with Tsuande-San. Tsunade healed me last night so I gained back some of my mobility back. Which I'm so thankful for. But,

I haven't seen both him or Naruto, which had me kind of worried. My little brothers were playing around in the living room while I was in the front porch.

I saw this familiar kid walking my direction. His bright blonde hair and his so notable orange track suit making him stand out. Smiling to myself, I couldn't help but feel so happy because of his sudden appearance. "(Y/n)-Chan!"

"Oh, hi Naruto-Kun!"

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(Y/n)-Chan is honestly the best, I've grown to have a somewhat crush on her. She had these beautiful (eye color) eyes, and shining (hair length) hair. Compared to all the academy girls she is the prettiest. I'm sure she catches every boys eye. I mean, she's caught mine. (Y/n) told me that she was going to move outside the village to go on for some extra training. Which kinda saddened me cause I wanted to spend more time with her.

"Naruto-Kun, have you heard from Uchiha Boy? I talked to him a couple days ago but ever since I haven't heard from him.." I heard my teammate ask, I sighed. "It's always about Sasuke, what's so special about him?-"

"He's the mysterious type, the type that acts cold. Most girls are attracted to that, Naruto-Kun." (Y/n) said, making me deadpan. "I guess.. but I haven't heard from him. Sorry, (Y/n)-Chan. But, do you want to go out for some ramen? It's all on me, I'll bring everyone! It could be your goodbye party! Dattebayo!" I suggested, making (Y/n) smile. Standing up I put my hands behind my neck. And gave her a wide smile.

"Would you really do that for me?" (Y/n) said with her soft voice, before I knew it I felt her warm embrace. "Thank you, Naruto-Kun." My eyes widened and my face felt like it was melting. Hugging her back, I heard three little boys giggling. "ONEEE-SAN HUGGED NARUTO!"

(Y/n) let go, and giggled. "Sorry for my brothers. I'll see you later." She said, as she waving me goodbye and walked back to her house. Her (hair length) hair shining under the bright sun.

I'm not gonna lie, (Y/n)-Chan is probably the prettiest girl in the academy. I would say Sakura is too, but it really is (Y/n). She had these pretty (eye color) eyes, pretty (hair length) hair, everything is just so pretty.

I smiled to myself. "Dattebayo- Ehh, I mean bye (Y/n)-Chan!" I stuttered as I kept replaying the moment the Senju hugged me. My cheeks were still feeling hot. I think may like (Y/n)-Chan.


I heard Naruto was making (Y/n) a goodbye party, I'm actually pretty excited. Cause I know I'm the goodbye she's waiting for the most.

I've been training a lot more lately, I've heard there is going to be an exam against other village Genin. Except Kakashi-Sensei still hasn't announced it to us. I wonder if (y/n) thinks I've forgotten about her, when really she's all I have on my mind. Wrapping up with a quick kunai training. I fixed up my headband and went to go get something to cool off.

Leaving the training area, I went back to town. I saw all the street lanterns and shops. I saw a quick glimpse of a girl with (hair color) hair and a small frame pass by. Knowing instantly who it was, I grabbed her by her wrist. "Senju. You thought you could pass by me without saying at least a hello?"

(Y/n) quickly pushed herself away from me and blushed. "Sa-Sasuke! What are you doing here? You're all musty too ...! ew don't touch me." She said jokingly. "I just finished training, dummy." I said and continued walking as she followed behind me.

"Are you going for ramen? Naruto-Kun planned something for me." I rolled my eyes at the mention of Naruto. "Hmm. Go spend time with your friend, Naruto-Kun." I said. Emphasizing the way (Y/n)'s says the dobe's name. As I shoo'ed her away.

(Y/n) shrugged as she got closer to me, "if you say soooo." She said all cocky. Her cute face only centimeters away from me as she gave me a pat on the back. With that, I saw her walk away.

How the hell can someone be so beautiful walking away?

There's times I remember when I would play with her in the playground while my brother was at missions. I can't help but smirk when I think about it.

"(Y/n)-Chan!" I heard a annoying voice say, rolling my eyes even more. I saw (Y/n) smiling, her cheeks slightly red. She was on her tippy toes as she hugged Naruto. My face softened, I know when I'm going to say bye to her, maybe not right now. But I know.


Kiba, Shikamaru, Ino, Sakura, everyone was with me as we all ate together. "Why are you leaving anyways?" Shikamaru asked as he head steak in his mouth. "I'm going to go train outside the village with a family member of my clan." I said simply, honestly I don't even know if Tsunade-San is a Senju. Hinata pouted, "I'm gonna-" but was soon cut off.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" Ino yelled, I caught Sakura-Chan give the blonde a death glare. "I'm gonna miss you more, (Y/n)-Chan!"

I nervously laughed, "thanks guys, I'll miss you too!"


Everybody left except Naruto-Kun, who was slightly red and fiddled with his fingers. "Ah... you good there buddy?"

"(Y/n)-Chan! When you leave, I'll start becoming stronger just for you, when you come back I'll be the one protecting you, dattebayo!" The blonde confessed, with a huge smile on his face.

"Thank you, Naruto-Kun."

With that, the Uzumaki and I went our separate ways. Even though I really appreciated Naruto's goodbye, I wished it was Sasuke saying it instead. He really hasn't bothered talking to me ever since I bumped into him a couple hours ago.

End of Chapter 11

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