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I know you already answered me, but I know the meaning of..
An answerless answer.

Sasuke and Suigetsu went out to get necessities, leaving you and Karin alone in the hideout. The redhead kept looking at you as you cleaned the hideout. "What are you to Sasuke, huh? Are you his girlfriend or some?" Karin snapped, feeling annoyed by your presence. Sasuke was hers after all.

"And what if I am?" You snapped back, making her ticked off.

"Well then you better count your days! Cause Sasuke is mine and mines only!" Karin yelled, making you laugh. "Good for you then, my days are already counted. I hope you can make Sasuke yours once I'm dead." You slyly said, making the Uzumaki stop in her tracks.

"See. I knew something was wrong about you." Karin confessed in a serious tone. "You are sick. I sensed it from miles away, your chakra is weak and fragile. Even with Sasuke knowing that, he chose you."

You shrugged, "What can I do about it? I'm a dead end, Karin."

The red head scoffed, "You're not as sick as you think. I can tell you've been living with a lifelong illness, but you're not sick. You're just fragile and weak, you'll live."

You started laughing at what she said, and let down your ponytail, "What are you trying to say?"

"I hate you for taking Sasuke away from me, and I will probably hate you more as days pass. I want to make Sasuke happy as much as you do." She said, making you look at her with a confused face. "You're a Senju, you have a powerful life force and chakra."

"Sasuke wouldn't chose you, if you were weak."


You thought back at what Karin told you, her train of thought was everywhere which made you confused on what she was truly trying to say.

First she tells you that you're sick, then she says she hates you, before you know it she wants to make Sasuke happy and boom! Back to the fact that You're a Senju. What exactly was she trying to tell you?

Sasuke and Suigetsu still haven't came back so you had a lot of time to clean the shared room you and Sasuke had. But before you could even start Sasuke barged into the room, and slightly pissed off. "What happened? Sasuke are you okay?" You asked, rushing towards him.

He pushed you away.

"I'm fighting Itachi. We relocated an old member, Jūgo. Team Taka will be taking care of you. I have to leave." Sasuke said, moving further away from you.  "Uchiha, you can't just leave me like this." You said, gripping onto his arm. His face soften and looked back at you, giving you one last kiss goodbye.  "I won't let you down anymore, Senju. After this I promise I will make up for all the lost time."

You were confused by the moment, your body was filling up with sadness. "Please... Sasuke. I understand that you're in a hurry. But stay with me one last time." You mumbled out, giving him sad, tear filled eyes. He sighed and hugged you, pecking your forehead and brushing his fingers through your soft hair. You looked up at him and kissed his lips, with passion.

The two of you made out for what seems forever, before laying on the bed and making love one last time.

The Uchiha ruffled your hair as you laid beside him, your chest rising up and down. He mesmerized your beautiful features once more before kissing your forehead, "I'll be back soon, my love." Sasuke said in a monotone, then standing up and began dressing himself. "I love you."

You gave him a genuine smile, "I love you more."

And with that, you watched him disappear. You touched your forehead where he kissed you, and began crying. All this in a span of five days, it was overwhelming. You adored and love Sasuke with all your heart. With such little time spent together, you knew this was what your heart has been begging for. For love.

His heart ached as he had to leave your side again, he longed for your embrace and once he got it he had to leave it once more. Sasuke admired your beauty one last time before leaving, and noticed that you kept him going.. But you also held him back. You were what grounded him, but also what held him back when he strays far away.

Sasuke chose vengeance over love. He chose this path for himself, but he promised to make up for it one day. He promised to become a better man once he defeats Itachi.


"Sasuke's girlfriend is so beautiful." Suigetsu said, smirking at you as you were training from afar. "Shut up. Yeah she's very pretty but she only holds Sasuke back." Karin responded back making Jūgo look your direction.

"I think she's a beauty. She seems like the perfect match for Sasuke."

Multiple days have passed and your body was feeling a little more energized and better. You've kept your mind off Sasuke by training more and practicing your Wood release and healing techniques. Suigetsu and Jūgo never left your side, guessing Sasuke commanded them to.

"Ah!" You whimpered out, as you felt your legs go numb. Suigetsu and Jūgo ran towards you and asked what's wrong. "I.. I feel very sick all the sudden..." you mumbled, caressing your forehead. "I feel lightheaded." Jūgo carried you and began walking his way towards the hideout.

"I get that you hate [Name], but check if she's okay." Suigetsu ordered Karin who nodded.


Jūgo placed you on your bed, leaving you and Karin alone in the room. "I can tell your chakra flow has been disturbed through your legs." She said, making you feel uneasy. You felt the need to throw up since you've been feeling extremely lightheaded.

"My illness is probably coming back.. Please don't tell Sasuke I'm sick."

Karin eyed your body up and down, trying to look further into your chakra sensory. "It seems like your body is running a fever.. I will prepare some medicine. Don't worry." Karin responded.

Your body was feeling great until today, you've probably overworked yourself. The past weeks you've been stressing and training constantly to get your mind off Sasuke and your illness.

It was bound to strike any minute.

Your ability to walk was vanishing, and you felt your body getting hotter and hotter.

Sasuke... where are you when I need you?

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