Chapter 18: Showdown

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Hodge kicked in the door the the religion staff room, sending it flying across the room and out the window, crushing a group of Sugar Nips' men that were coming for them. Ms. Queen was at her desk, shoving personal artifacts into a bag, ready to escape, obviously alerted by the combat outside. A large exclamation mark appeared over her head, before she tried to run off to one of the other doors into the staff room. As she approached the door, Jacob burst through the brick wall to her left and kicked her back across the room. She clambered to her desk and opened the drawer, pulling out a small 38. revolver.

"Get back! I'll shoot!"

Jacob walked up to her and grabbed the barrel and bent it effortlessly. She dropped the revolver in panic and tried to back up further, her back meeting the wall. Jacob drew his sword and pointed it at her as Tyson approached.

"What do you know about the boss!?"

"Boss? What boss? I don't know any boss!"

"Don't fucking lie, one of Sugar Nips' men gave you up!"

"Sugar what? What the fuck are you talking about!?"

Jacob pulled the sword back as Lucas stepped forward.

"I told you we should have confirmed with that kid before you smashed his head in."

Ms. Queen got her feet.

"Hold on, are you the guys trying to get rid of the Asspol?"

Tyson nodded and beamed proudly.

"Alright, okay. I heard Legham talking about it in the staff room, she's got something to do with it. She think she has the entire teaching staff on her payroll, but I'm a woman of God and I want none of that."

Ryan beamed in adoration. Tyson nodded, thinking the information through.

"Alright," he said. "I guess we won't kill you. Thanks."

The group turned to leave when the wall in front of them exploded and a team of students combat rolled into the room with assault weapons drawn. Quickly, the gang moved out of the way, hiding behind the various desks as the enemy students opened fire, spraying bullets everywhere. A large portion struck Ms. Queen, killing her dead. Ryan cried out in protest. He snapped around to face the strike team that had just gunned down the love of his life. He gripped his defence Glock violently and began to kill without hesitation, gunning down the students. But for every one he killed another appeared to take their place. While Ryan kept firing, Tyson shouted to Lucas across the room.

"What the fuck are we gonna do about this?"

"I don't know, I wasn't planning for this, all I have is the axe!"

Henry ducked out from behind his father with the arm of one the students in one hand and one the strike team's M16s in the other.

"You can thank me later." he said, as he threw the rifle to Lucas, who peeked out from behind the desk and fired off a few rounds. He frowned as the wave never seemed to thin.

"How fucking many of these pricks are there?"

Jacob stood up.

"Not enough to face this."

He ran forward with Weaboo Jones' katana, impaling one of the students and hoisting him up above his head. He then proceeded to drink the blood of his prey before tearing the body in half and roaring violently at the the remaining members of the strike team, who all froze. Hodge too stepped from his cover and beat his chest violently. After a few seconds, the team began to flee, bar a few who tripped in their panic. Ryan jumped on one of the fallen, who happened to be black, and began stabbing him over and over with a piece of sharpened chair. The rest of the group simply watched as he let out his rage. Henry was the first to speak;

"Alright Jew, she's dead, get over it, let's go."

Ryan tried to speak, but was far too immersed in his anger. Jacob dragged him off the now unrecognizable corpse and escorted him from the room. Tyson looked around the room, now destroyed. He grinned awkwardly.

"I guess we're going to kill Legham then."

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