Chapter Twelve

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The wind wrapped around my hair ruffling the white locks, I pulled the hood up over my head as light rain started to patter against the exposed skin on my face. My legs swung back and forth tapping against the red brick underneath them as my eyes gazed across the rows of shops and houses, I counted four parks within my immediate eye line the bright lush green sticking out against the muddy bricks and grey concrete.
"Alice come down from there!" My head snapped round and I saw Mrs Smith and Mr Harris stood on the ground below me looking up at the low roof of the maintenance building I was sat a top of.
"Al come on you could really hurt yourself if you fall." Mr Harris edged closer to me craning his neck even further while Mrs Smith talked quickly into her radio.
"I'm fine it's only like and eight foot drop don't worry." I smiled down at sir, he began looking round trying to see where I managed to climb up, I stood up and walked along the edge of the roof "Alice wait up there we'll get a ladder." Mrs Smith shouted walking over and standing back next to Mr Harris, "Why? I got up I can get down." I replied smugly dropping down onto the wall that was a slight drop down, maybe further than that was actually safe and began walking along the wall where I jumped down and stood in front of two wide eyed, confused and angry teachers.

"I don't even know what to say Alice Carter! Do you have any idea how irresponsible and dangerous that was, why were you even on the roof? This is school not a climbing centre, do you have any idea what could have happened if you fell? The amount of trouble the school would have gotten in for allow someone to fall of a roof? Your going straight into isolation for this young lady." Mrs Smith's face grew a deep shade of scarlet and it almost looked like steam was about to come out of her ears, I glanced to Mr Harris who just shook his head in disappointment as he rubbed his hand across his face.
"I was fine why are you making such a big deal about it?" I shouted, I was fine I was safe I knew exactly what I was doing. If I feel the worst I do was break a bone, but I wasn't going to fall because I was safe.
"Alice you were in a roof, you could have fallen and seriously injured yourself, come on this ain't like you." Mr Harris spoke gently trying to calm down my tingling nerves, I huffed and folded my arms looking straight past the both of them.
"Right isolation now." Mrs Smith ordered turning on her heel she began walking towards the isolation room with my trailing behind and Mr Harris next to me constantly looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Right, sit there and don't cause any trouble, I need to go and get Mrs Murphy." Mrs Smith pointed to the far booth by the window and pulled the flimsy blue plastic chair back for me, sitting down I swivelled in the chair my back pressing against the scratched and graffitied white wall of the booth as I looked out the window, watching students pile into the yard for break time.
"Why were you up there?" Mr Harris asked standing in front of the window crossing his arms over his front, the tight material of his black shirt stretching over the defined muscles of his arms.
"I needed to think, it helped me think." I shrugged, it was quiet up there everything seemed still and peaceful it seemed easier to think.
"What were you wanting to think about?" Sir asked, I looked at him blankly trying to judge weather I could trust him trying to judge weather I dared trusting him.

"Alice Carter with me. Now." The stern, cold almost metallic sounding voice echoed across the room causing me to jump from my seat and immediately see who was calling out my name in such a way. Mrs Murphy stood just inside the door, one hand on her hip the other tightly gripping onto a radio, her eyebrows raised at me as I slowly walked forward each step my head hung even lower than before.
"You are in serious trouble young lady."

Isolation: The process or fact of isolating or being isolated.
A state in which someone is alone, through their own choices or actions, or through the choices and actions of others. A state some people chose to be in as they prefer their own company, they subsequently choose isolated areas to live with little to no people surrounding them.
A state in which some people are forced into due to callous and harmful acts of an individual or group of individuals that then changes the other people's opinions of he or she, leaving them with no one, leaving them alone and in a state of isolation.

Isolation: A place where a school places a child that has deliberately broken the school rules or gone against the school code of conduct, weather this be rude/confrontational/disruptive/dangerous and idiotic behaviour, weather a student has found themselves in a verbal or physical fight with another student. A place where a student who has been removed from lesson due to refusal to follow instruction, complete work or if they have undermined and argued with the teacher in front of the class, a place where a student can find themselves for wearing the incorrect uniform.

Once a student is sent there they will be directed to a booth by the current supervising member of staff, they will be logged into the school system and a phone call to the parent/guardian shall be made. The student will then be expected to carry on with any work the have, if said student is in for more than one lesson the teacher will organise for work to be sent across for them to complete. The student will be escorted to the dinner hall and then brought straight back to the isolation room where they will eat their lunch in silence and will not communicate with other students also in isolation.

For what felt like the hundredth time I read the notice pinned onto the wall of the booth that was directly ahead of me, I'd been kept in isolation all day and it was now half past four meaning I had half an hour left till I could leave, I sat slumped in the flimsy chair having lost all feeling in my bum round about the second hour I had been sat here. I rubbed my tired eyes and decided to stand up and try to regain the feeling in my lower body, "Alice please sit down." An equally tired Mr Harris spoke, he was supervising my detention and had been sat in here with just me since half past three.
"I've been sat down all day please just let me walk around." I batted my eyelashes at him and a small blush crept upon his cheeks.
"Fine." He sighed getting out of his chair, he opened the door and followed me out "We'll go down to my office and come back up. We walked side by side in silence every now and then our hands brushing against each other's.

We reached sirs office and he sat down at his desk while I stood by the window, a burning sunset cast across the sky bringing warmth to the cold unforgiving city landscape that school was nestled in the middle of.
"Well I guess I'll go then." I turned on my heels and tried to dart out the door but sir beat me too it, he slammed the door shut quickly with his outstretched arm. I could feel him pressing into me from behind as I stood centimetres away from the white wood of the door, turning around I faced him now our noses almost touching and I studied his face, his tanned skin complemented by the beautiful muddy green eyes. His strong nose mirrored his strong jawline that was all tied together with dark hair in a perfect cut, his lips parted and I could see his tongue run across his teeth.

I crashed my lips to his grabbing his face in my small palms his lips moved rhythmically with mine for a second before he pulled back and stared at me, confused.
"Alice no, this is wrong." He breathed out gently his breath tickling my skin making me desperate to feel his lips against mine again.
"Then why does it feel so right." I said softly pressing my lips to his again, he pressed his lips to mine again more forcefully and I allowed him to be the dominant one, his hands shifted from the door and fell on my waist each finger tip gripping me tightly.
I dropped my hands from his head and settled them on the waistband of his skinny trousers fumbling with the metal claps on his belt, the radio that was always clipped in the same position dropped to the floor making a sharp cracking sound as we stumbled back from the door.

Not before he turned the lock, locking us in and the outside world out.


Hello my loves I hope your all keeping well, so this chapter has maybe been my favourite to write so far (give it time.)
And now before anyone decided to tell me that I'm romantizing student-teacher relationships that can be damaging, I'm not it's key part of the plot and you guys will see that play out over the coming chapters.

So I hope you enjoy and remember I love you lots - H xoxo

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