Chapter Twenty Two

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It doesn't mean I have drop a bombshell that will explode two, innocent lives.

"Okay, so just tell me what happened. Tell me the order of events of today, you don't want to tell me what caused everything to play out the way it did, then just tell me exactly what happened." Sarah pushed her notebook and pen onto the table in between us, her eyes fixing sharply on mine she sat and waited quietly and patiently.

"Bex found out who I'm in a relationship with and she doesn't approve. I was caught smoking by Mrs Smith, so she was going to isolate me but I needed to speak to Bex. I was angry and upset, it's no big deal." I huffed, my brain was tired and it felt clumsy and this was a situation where I needed to be incredibly, incredibly careful. Each word, that formed each sentence I spoke needed to be formed meticulously, I needed to be precise and sharp but in this moment I found myself fumbling for my words in a cloudy haze.

"Okay, why doesn't Bex approve of your boyfriend." Sarah looked at me with an almost knowing smugness. She knew how careful I was having to be, and being so fully aware of this she had started asking questions that I'd have to think too long about. She'd started asking questions that could easily catch me out.

"Why does it even matter." I snapped.
Sarah gently lent forward in her chair, still maintaining a straight back and a smart posture. "If it doesn't matter, than why are you getting so irritated." Closing my eyes I simply shook my head, I'd had enough now. I pushed myself out of the chair, cringing at the noise the leather made as it loudly crumpled and creaked.
"Alice come back." Sarah shouted behind me as I swung the door open, quickly my legs carried me back to the waiting room where Mrs Murphy looked me up and down in concern and confusion.

"Alice come on, we really should talk about this." Sarah tried to reason with me, her pale face had scrunched up briefly in frustration before it smoothed over again - ever the consummate professional.
"No, no we shouldn't because for once I'd like to have one day, one area of my life that isn't ripped open and laid bare for everyone to see. I'd like to have one piece of my life that only I will ever see." I was tired of everything of me being something for everyone else, if it wasn't Sarah asking questions and demanding answers then it was mum and dad, or Bex, or it was school and Chris. Nothing ever stayed with me. I couldn't be me.

"Can you take me home now." I huffed impatiently at Mrs Murphy who still looked baffled by whatever was going on. I stared briefly, but intently into Sarah's eyes trying to understand what she was thinking - but there was nothing there, no anger or sadness, not even defeat and I felt my heart sink a little. Part of me wanted her to feel defeated, I wanted to push her away and shut her out then it would be one less person I had to hide from.

There was nothing.

"Okay lets go." Mrs Murphy lightly grabbed my arm and we left, leavening Sarah stood there staring after me like a lonely lover.
"Do you want me to turn the heating up or anything?" She asked as we began the drive back to mine, I nodded struggling to find the energy to even mutter a simple 'yes'.

~ Mick ~

"No, Patrick I am telling you he should be sacked for missing that goal. Absolute liberty." I spoke quickly and passionately while pouring Patrick another rum about the last West Ham game. He opened his mouth to reply but my attention quickly snapped away when I saw Mrs Murphy walk through the doors.

"Hi Mick, I could use you out at the car." I furrowed my brows slightly before chucking the tea towel from my shoulder onto the bar, leaving Patrick as confused as I was.
"Why are you here? What's happened?" I quizzed as we pushed out the doors, and then I saw her. Alice fast asleep in the car, body slumped and head resting on the window.

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