Let's be clear. I'm not a huge fan of the kid. I think his music is shit simply because it's not the style I prefer. But I have nothing against him as a person. To all you who think he's 'gay' or 'girly' then I think you should listen up.
The word 'gay' means to be either happy or homosexual. And personally, I don't see anything wrong with being either of those. So to whoever thinks that's an insult, you're either illiterate or ignorant. And either way, you just sound stupid. If by 'gay' you're referring to homosexuality, you clearly haven't done your Bieber research. The kid has a girlfriend. And she's gorgeous. So you're either oblivious or jealous and again you sound stupid.
And about him sounding 'girly'. He's what? 18 years old or something. He's not going to have the deepest voice on the planet. Lay off him and quit with the lame remarks. His voice isn't even that girly. You just sound stupid.
To all the guys who hate on Justin, I'd just like to say that you all amuse me. Just because he can get more girls in one day than you can get in a lifetime doesn't mean that he's a girl himself. I've accepted the fact that he's famous and has people falling over themselves to meet him and I think you should too. He's not a girl. He's not girly. He's not gay. He's a human being. No one should be discriminated against even if their music is horribly mushy because at the end of the day, you are what you call other people. And so by calling him all those mean and unnecessary names and words, you're no better. He's done jackshit to you, so all you haters need to man up and realise that he's just like everyone else trying to make it big. Just 'cause he's accomplished that doesn't make him a try-hard. It just makes you an arrogant meaniepants.
And to everyone who's gonna give me shit for this, if you're offended, I'm sorry. But Justin Bieber's probably offended too.
Much love.