Chapter 4

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Today is the day of the big tourney game against the Sherwood Falcons. At the moment I didn't have much to do, so I just sat at one of the tables in front of the lockers and started reading. I know, reading is kind of lame, but I get it from my mom, okay? I love getting immersed into a book. However, I usually become oblivious to the outside world. And that's exactly what is happening now.

"Hey Izzy." I heard a voice call. I didn't know who it was or where it came from so I started searching until I finally saw Jay right in front of me.

"Oh, hey, Jay. What's up?" I asked. "Are you excited for your first game?"

"Yeah, totally. I'm super stoked." Said Jay. Wow, I did not take him for a person who says the word "stoked."

"Hey, Isabelle!" Mal called from her locker. "Come over."

I put my book down and started walking towards Mal.

"Hey how's it going?" I asked Mal.

"It's been going great actually. I made some cookies last night, double chocolate chunk, do you want one?" Mal asked

"Sure." I said.

"Jay, can you give it to Isa? I have to get ready for the game." Mal asked as she started to walk away. Weird but okay. Jay reached in her locker and grabbed a cookie and gave it to me. I then took a bite out of it.

"It's funny because you know how there's a big game today..." I said. "If you gave this to Ben, he would totally turn... you... down..."

Jay took the cookie out of my hand.

"I think he has this weird superstition about eating... before games. That cookie is really good... Like it's perfect... and sweet..." I was looking directly at Jay and I started to notice things about him, things that I never noticed before and all I wanted to do was make him happy.

"Wow Jay, were you always this... ripped?" I asked and Jay just chuckled. "You have a great smile too. I know this is really bold but will you go on a date with me?"

"Sure Izzy." said Jay. He kind of had this knowing smile going on, but I didn't think much of it. He just said yes to a date with me. A dream come true.

"Okay." I started to smile really wide. "I'll see you at the tourney game."

The tourney game was really fun. It was really exciting during the last few minutes because Jay finally got to play. He even helped score the winning goal and he was named MVP.

Ben broke up with Audrey and got together with Mal at the game, too. It was so cute because he sang for her and even had the team and my cheerleaders dancing with him.

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