Chapter 5

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It's been a few days since I asked Jay out, so now we are finally going on our first date.

Aaah! I'm so excited. We are going to practice sword-fighting and then we'll get pizza. It's going to be perfect.

I was dressed in a mint colored dress with lace over the bodice. After my waist, the dress ran down to my knees.

I went and knocked onto Jay's door. I opened the door and saw Jay in his usual leather jacket, red beanie, and jeans. Wow, he's so cute.

"Hey, Jay." I said. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, totally." Jay closed the door behind he and started to follow me.

"So first we are gonna head to the amphitheater."

"Why the amphitheater?"

"Because," I said opening the double doors," we will learn some sword fighting."

"Again, why?"

"Well Swords and Shields doesn't start for while and I was thinking since you do so well in Tourney, that you could do sword fighting as well."

I really hoped that I was right and he wanted to learn or else, well, this would get pretty awkward.

"Yeah. That sounds pretty good." Jay said. I let out a breath of relief. Good. He was totally for it. I grinned.

I taught Jay the simple moves to block opponents and disarming moves. It took a while, but we had a blast.

"So now for the main course," I said walking towards the sidelines. I brought out a pizza box and a picnic blanket. "Pizza!"

I spread the blanket over the giant sun in the middle of the floor and put the box down.  Jay looked at me with a weird expression.

"What's pizza?" I looked at Jay completely shocked. Jay walked over and sat down next to me on the blanket.

"You don't know what pizza is? It the only food that's good wherever you go." I opened the box the let the delicious and greasy smell of pizza out into the amphitheater.

"We don't have it on the Isle."

"I'm sorry but that sucks. You need to take the first slice." I handed him the first slice of the pepperoni pizza. Apprehensively, Jay took the slice and slowly but into it. After chewing for a bit, Jay face broke out into a smile.

"This is really good." Jay started to eat faster and began eating his second slice as I had just reached half of my first. "Speaking of things that are really good, how did you get so good at sword fighting?"

"Okay, so technically, I'm not supposed to know any of this." I said sheepishly, "Girls aren't allowed to play many of the sports we have here. Ben was really involved in almost all of them and he saw how I couldn't do anything but sit and cheer on the sidelines. So being the caring person he is, Ben taught me how to play all of the sports. He said he only did it to have someone to practice with but I think he just saw how sad I was and wanted to help."

"Wow." Jay stopped eating and put down his half eaten fifth slice. "On the Isle, we didn't really care about what gender you were, just if you could fight or not."

"I guess things are a bit old fashioned here."

We continued talking until the pizza was all gone, but once that happened we cleaned up and left the amphitheater.

Noticing it was starting to get dark, Jay wanted to walk me and we continued to talk about whatever was on our mind. It was great. I finally felt as if someone was finally seeing me for me and not as the Princess.

"Thanks for a really great date, and for being a gentleman and walking me back to my dorm. It was really sweet of you." I was unlocking my door as Jay stood behind me.

"Ah, it was nothing." I turned back around to face him. Jay had his signature smirk on while he leaned on the wall and crossed his arms.

"Well I had a fun time. Good night Jay."

"Goodnight Isabelle." We shared a smile. I decided it was now or never. I never felt this way about anyone else so I gave Jay a kiss on the lips.

"Call me Iz." I whispered, mere inches from Jay face then I slipped back into my room, leaned against my door, and bit my bottom lip.

I never felt so forward with anyone before. Sure I've had crushes on other boys, but this felt different.

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