Chester Bennington

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Anger, disappointment, depression course through my mind. To think that someone who has changed my life is gone. In a matter of seconds vanished into the clear impossible sky. The tears flow as I replay that song that said everything will be okay. Realization kicks in as I remember, he's gone. Where the lyrics he sang wrong, did he really mean them? Head pounding from over thinking. This can't be true, a day that was for happiness turned into a sinister storm. The connection I felt with this man I've never met but followed. The man that wrote songs I became obsessively fond with. I got to know soo much about him but I believe everyone deserves to keep something personal to themselves. He sang what I felt and related to full extent. Thinking that if he was strong, I as well was strong. A role model isn't ignorant it's neglected. As he once sang before, in the end it doesn't even matter.

-R.I.P Chester Bennington (will always be remembered)

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