Chapter 34 - Yasmin

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»Kim Seokjin's POV«

in the restaurant 10 a.m.】

"Hello Kim Seokjin"

She looked at me and I could see her puffy red eyes probably from crying cause her cousin was about to leave.


She walked slowly to the table and gestured me to sit down opposite to her.

"Where's Jimin? He's supposed to be here. Why are you here?"

She stared at me as if I was some kind of evil guy.

"Let's save the questions for later."

She leaned closer to me.

"I know you're a good guy and I believe you and so does my cousin. As you probably already have heard my cousin is about to leave."

She sniffled holding her tears in.

"But what you don't know is that my cousin is about to leave because of you." She pointed at me.

Then it took time to process what she said before I realized it. She left because of me?

"What do you mean?"

She heaved a sigh before she continued.

"Seeing you with Yoonie was tearing her heart apart. Not only that but Yoonie has been telling her that you've been talking about her behind her back."

She shifted in her seat.


When did I talk about her behind her back? I never said anything bad about her nevertheless to Yoonie.

"You're lying. And plus she has Shawn with her." I looked down below the table.

Hearing her made me question so much things. Yoonie would never say things like that. She doesn't seem like the person to do so. And second why would she get hurt when she has Shawn.

"Fine don't believe me. Just read this."

I looked up as she placed a notebook in the table. It was the notebook that I bought (Y/N). Why does Yasmin have it?

She crossed her arms as she looked at me.

I decided to get the notebook and open it.

I was greeted by a Polaroid picture of me and her.

I flipped to the second page and saw a writing which was of her handwriting.

I looked up and it seemed like Yasmin already knew what was written here.

     I thought falling for someone wouldn't be as easy as actually falling from a height but aparently it's even easier. I tried denying my feelings twice or thrice or maybe a hundred times but it doesn't make anything change it just made me fall for you even more.
      All the time we have been together I have cherished in my heart. I will always take them as treasures.
      I loved every single moment we spent together. All the happiness we shared. Every date that we had meant so much more to me than I would've thought it would. Everyday with you was like being home. It took longer than I intended to be able to gather my thoughts and tell you the truth.
      I'm afraid that if I don't tell you now I'd just end up loosing you altogether. I'd rather gamble this than not being able to say these things to you.

As I read this I just teared up instantly.

This couldn't be her.

"What is this?"

She crossed her arms as she glared.

"I know you know too well what this pretty notebook is and who owns it. If you still don't have a clue my cousin was about to confess to you."

I looked at the book before I looked back at her not able to say anything.


She stared at me intently with pleading eyes.

"You're the only reason why my cousin is leaving but you could also be the reason she stays."

I didn't know what to do.

She was leaving because of me but she wouldn't stay because of me.

"That's before Shawn went back."

I didn't want to have to think about it. I didn't want to think that I was the reason that she is about to be gone forever.

"You really think so? If she has Shawn then why'd she want to leave."

I didn't want to hear this.

This isn't true.

"I don't know why you're doing this but I have a girlfriend."

I decided to stand up because I just needed to know this isn't true.

There's no way she would miss me. And plus I have been searching for Yoonie for years...

"You mean Yoonie? Or the girl you found in the Philippines cause if that's why you're clinging to her then you're just lying to yourself..."

She stood up and I looked back at her.

"She's not who you've been looking for..."

I completely turned around to look at her.

"Yoonie isn't the girl from the Philippines. "

I got shocked at what she said.

How did she know about that?


She breathed in before I she continued.

"(Y/N) is. "

Suddenly everything went nuts in my head.

"What... are you... sayi–"

Before I could say anything else she cut me off and begun explaining.

"That bracelet was a gift (Y/N) gave to Yoonie for her anniversary with Shawn. She forgot about her anniversary and decided to just give her bracelet since she felt guilty."

I was still in shock as I stood here. I was frozen and I didn't know what to do.

"Jin the girl you've been looking for is (Y/N) and right now she's about to leave and probably never come back again. This is your last shot."

She teared up as she said it.

Everything came into place. I was right all along. She was the girl i was looking for. I've been looking for her all these years not knowing that she was here all along.

But now she's about to leave and if I don't stop her I might never see her again.

I stared at Yasmin who was now drowning in tears.

I have to go to her. I have little time left.

Without saying a word I ran outside and headed for a taxi.

This is the only shot I have left to make everything change.

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