Sharing Books Again

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I opened my eyes to see Xavier pulling his chair out from underneath his desk, I ignored him and just closed my eyes again, I felt a pat on my shoulder and I was getting annoyed by being interrupted all the time, I pulled the earphone out and looked at Xavier and frowned, but he never looked at me, I looked forward and saw the teacher giving me the death stare and he had his hands on his hips,

"Mia, please!" He said sounding annoyed,

I pulled the other earphone out of my ear and stuffed them into my bag, now that my Friday had been ruined I sat in my chair being in a bad mood, I looked to my right to see Xavier sitting there without a book and I felt kinda bad for not lending mine,

"Xavier?" I whispered to him, he looked at me,

"Yeah" He said quietly,

"Do you want to share a book?" I asked politely,

"Yes please," Xavier said as he moved his chair closer to mine and I moved my book to the edge of my table,

"Thanks" he said smiling,

"No problem" I replied,

I found it quiet weird that he is accepting me or he doesn't know who I am yet...

The lesson went quickly, luckily and I packed my books up as the bell rang.

I walked outside of the classroom expecting to find Rosie but she wasn't there, I started walking towards my locker and I saw Xavier running up from behind me

"Hay Mia" he said smiling that amazing smile.

"Hay," I said as I reached my locker

"Mind if I sit with you at lunch again?" He asked leaning against the locker next to mine,

He hadn't sat with us again since Monday but I didn't mind,

"Xavier, I don't understand?" I said closing my locker,

"What don't you understand?" He said, I started walking to the cafeteria,

"Well you;re the popular guy and I'm this lame girl that everyone bullies and that don't take notice of me," I said,

"Well I don't think that" he said still walking next to me,

"That's what I don't understand," I said facing him,

"Well I feel comfortable around you, I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not and neither are you," he said smiling,

I could feel my cheeks getting hotter by the second,

I shook it off and just carried on walking,

"So can I sit with you and Rosie?" He said not moving,

"Yeah why not" I said as I turned my head and smiled at him sweetly.

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