First Time

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-Xavier's POV-

"Dad please leave her alone I don't want you hurting her more then you already have!" I said frowning.

"Xavier this has nothing to do with you, you shouldn't of brought her here if you wanted to keep her away from me" he said,

I got up as Mia came down and walked her outside,

"Xavier what's your dads name?" She said, I really didn't want to tell her cause I knew her sister was suspicious about me

"Timothy" I said sighing "

Oh ok and your dads girlfriend?"

"I never really take interest in my dads girlfriends." I said looking towards her.

"I'm sorry" Mia said looking at the pavement

"Naa it's ok" I said as we arrived at her house,

"Thanks for the great evening Xavier" She said looking up at me

"It's a pleasure," I said softly, I wrapped my arms around her waist and brought her

closer towards me.

I was being very brave in doing this and I was becoming nervous, I had kissed girls multiple times but it just seemed different with Mia,

"I love you" I said whispering in her ear.

I then moved my lips to hers, closing the gap between us. Her soft warm lips were against mine and I could feel the heat radiating between us, I kept my hands around her waist as Mia brought her hands around my neck pulling me closer towards her, I pulled away slowly wincing at the loss of contact between us but I could see Mia smiling,

"I love you too" she said hugging me and then walking inside the house.

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