Only Realizing This Now?

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-Mia's POV-

I dragged myself out of my bed the next morning and walked to the bathroom.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth,

"Mia?" Taylor said entering my room

"Yeah?" I mumbled with the toothbrush in my mouth,

"We need to talk after you have gotten ready so hurry up" Taylor said sternly, I frowned as she walked away but shrugged it off.

I got dressed in my usual three-quarter jeans, with some converse and a tank top.

I walked downstairs and saw Taylor sitting by the table with her arms crossed while waiting for me.

"Yes you wanted to talk to me " I said sitting down,

"Yes, uhm Mia you seem different lately, I don't know you seem unhappy, you hardly eat a thing and you have an attitude towards me. " I frowned at her,

I couldn't believe that she hurried me for this.

"Nothing's wrong" I said not making eye contact with her.

"Mia you never ate your lunch yesterday and you never ate your school lunch and you never ate supper, now have you eaten breakfast?" She said with her eyebrows raised.

"No" I mumbled,

"That's what I thought, Mia please! I have made you lunch for today and when I get home I want to see it finished, school and home lunch, ok?" Taylor said seriously,

"Ok" I said softly, Taylor stood up and walked to the fridge to hand me my lunch.

I took it from her and walked to the car feeling so annoyed.


I got to school and saw Rosie standing by my locker.

My face brightened up instantly at the sight of her.

I walked towards my locker and opened it,

"Hay Rosie " I said excitedly,

She looked up from the floor and smiled

"Hay Mia" Rosie said while hugging me,

"Where have you been. I haven't seen you since Monday" I said as we walked towards the classroom but Rosie never had a chance to reply, and thats when I saw him,

Xavier hugged Rosie and walked right by me like I was invisible. My mouth hung open. I couldn't believe he just did that.

"Wow he is so amazing" Rosie said in a daze,

"He is a total jerk!" I muttered to myself and rolled my eyes.

"No he isn't why do you say that" Rosie said frowning, I could tell she was angry by the way she spoke.

"Xavier just walked right by me but he hugged you, he noticed you, but not me, it's like I'm invisible to everyone!" I said raising my voice,

"Well why are you only realizing this now?" Rosie said coldly,

I couldn't believe my friend just said that to me.

I got to my class and just walked in not even saying goodbye to Rosie, she had made me so angry.

I walked to my desk and opened my bag to find my contact lenses in it, I smiled and took my glasses off and put the contacts in.

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