He Kissed Me

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-Mia's POV-

I walked inside the house after Xavier and I kissed for the first time, my heart was still racing and I had this crazy grin on my face.

"Why are you so happy Mia?" Taylor asked.

"He kissed me" I said thinking about the moment again with such glee,

"What!?" Taylor shouted, frowning, my smile dropped off my face and I knew she was concerned.

"Nothing" I said shaking my head and running upstairs, she just had to ruin every wonderful moment I have with him. I heard a knock on my door and looked towards it,

"Mia I'm sorry please let me in?" Taylor said

"No go away!" I said as I lay on my bed, Taylor had ruined my night and I knew it wasn't going to get any better.

I got into my pajamas and crawled under my duvet. I switched my lamp off and I could see from underneath my door Taylor's shadow

"Taylor go away!" I said so irritated. I heard her sigh and her shadow moved away from my door.

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