We Need To Talk

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-Taylor's POV-

I lay with my head on the dinning table waiting for Mia to wake up so that I could talk to her about what had happened last night, I heard footsteps down the stairs and saw Mia walking down in her pajamas, I watched as she walked to the fridge and got a bowl of cereal for herself.

"Mia we need to talk" I said but she ignored me.

"Mia come sit please" I said looking at her

"Taylor seriously it's over." She rolled her eyes and walked towards the lounge, I sighed and followed her. I sat on the couch as she ate her cereal

"Mia I'm sorry about last night, I over reacted and I'm actually happy for you. " I said forcing a smile onto my face

"Why don't you like him?" She said frowning at me, I didn't want to hurt her and this is the only friend she has.

"I don't dislike him." I lied

"So then why do you give him a weird look every time and you freaked out on Thursday when I told you I was going there for the afternoon," Mia said raising her voice in frustration

"Mia, I just wanted to apologize ok, the reason I'm acting like this is because I don't want you to get hurt, you might get too attached and then he breaks up with you, you have gone through so much already with school and loosing all your friends I just..." I sighed and closed my eyes,

"I just think he is going to hurt you and that he is using you" I looked at Mia and her eyes were big in shock.

"Just because I'm not pretty or beautiful doesn't mean that a guy can't love me" Mia shouted. Mia got up and stormed to her bedroom.

I sighed as a tear ran down my cheek. Everything was so complicated and I didn't know how to fix it.

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