Messages That Made My Heart Flutter

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I woke up and saw I was lying on the couch, I looked at the clock and it was nearly supper time, Damen must of been home by now from work.

I creeped up to my room and got my homework out, I was so not in the mood to do my homework but I had to do it.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I unlocked my phone and saw a text from Xavier,

Xavier: Hay Beautiful.

I smiled and my heart fluttered a buy at his message and started texting back

Me: Hay best <3

I texted and pressed send, I put my phone down on my desk and carried on writing.

I eventually finished my homework which took forever because I was talking to Xavier the whole time,

Me: I'm gonna go get some supper I will talk later.

I texted and pressed send,

Xavier: Ok bye love.

He said which made me smile. I put my phone down on my bed and ran downstairs.

"Mia how much do you want?" Damen said, as he held a spoon in the pot of spaghetti,

"Uhm average?" I said as I sat down at the table

"Mia how am I supposed to know what average is" Damen said shaking his head at me. I laughed a bit at his comment.

"Just a little thank you" I replied giggling a bit. He brought me my food and sat down next to Taylor.

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