So Close

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I jumped out of the car not even saying goodbye to Taylor, I ran towards Xavier and into his arms, I smelt his deodorant which smelt all manly,

"Hay babe" Xavier whispered in my ear as I hugged him,

"Hay" I said smiling, we walked to class holding hands. Xavier and I were finally something more than just friends and it was so nice to know I had someone that cared for me,

"Mia?" Xavier said as we walked towards the classroom


"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house tomorrow maybe after school?" He said smiling, my heart raced at the thought of it.

"Yeah I would love to!" I said letting go of his hand as I sat down at my desk.

I looked at Xavier as he sat down and he had a worried look on his face,

"What's wrong?" I asked giving him a small smile,

"Mia.. Uhm...I need to tell you something" Xavier said looking worried,

"Yeah?" I said smiling,

"It's kinda about my dad." He said, my smile dropped and I was a little concerned,

"Yes?" I said,

"Uhm..-" he started saying but the teacher came in and we all fell silent,

"Never mind," Xavier said quietly, I was really concerned now but I let it go for now.


It was Friday afternoon and I was going to Xavier's house for the afternoon.

"Who picks you up from school?" I asked Xavier.

"No one I normally walk" I said as he put his bag onto his back

"Oh...ok" I replied awkwardly, I knew his house wasn't too far to walk to,

"Shall we get going" Xavier grabbed my hand and we walked towards his house,

"Am I going to meet your family?" I asked smiling,

"Uhm..-" I could feel Xavier's weight shifting

"Maybe I'm not sure?" He said, I hadn't asked him about his dad since he brought it up yesterday but I wasn't concerned. We arrived at his house and he showed me too his room

"It's very you." I said smiling, and I giggled a little,

"What?" Xavier asked a small smile playing at his lips,

"Nothing," I said giving him a genuine smile,

Xavier smirked at me, "Your strange Mia," Xavier said,

"Sorry I can't be the perfect girlfriend," I said trying to lighten mood,

"You're more than perfect," Xavier said coming closer,

I could feel my cheeks flush a bit at his comment, I looked down at the ground hiding my embarrassment from him, I felt Xavier in front of me.

Xavier lifted my head up as he held my chin, I looked into his eyes and Xavier looked at my lips, I moved closer wanting to close the gap between us, I closed my eyes and felt my heart racing form the nervousness of the situation, was I really going to be kissed?

My eyes snapped open as I heard a phone ring on the bed next to us, Xavier sighed and moved away and towards his phone,

"Hello?" Xavier said in an annoyed voice.

"Yes, I am."

"Ok that's fine"


"No, ahh"

"Ok, fine, bye"

Xavier ended the call and threw his phone on the bed,

"Who was that?" I asked curiously,

"Dad checking if I'm at home," Xavier said annoyance evident in his voice, I could tell he wasn't going to say anything and we stood there in awkward silence,

"Are you hungry? Cause I'm starving" Xavier said breaking the silence and then came close to me, Xavier picked me up under my feet and I let out a small scream, I grabbed onto his neck and giggled at the sudden movement,

"I suppose so" I said laughing, Xavier carried me downstairs and he made me a cheese sandwich,

"Thanks" I said chewing.

"Am I having dinner here?" I asked smiling.

"Only if you want too, we are having pizza's so I don't mind" I nodded and carried on eating my sandwich.

"Do you want to go chill in my room?" He said getting up an taking my plate to the kitchen.

"Sure" I got up and followed Xavier to his room. We sat on his bed and he seemed worried.

"Xavier I'm home!" I heard shouting from downstairs. Xavier sighed and shouted back,

"Up here" he said. I saw the door open and Xavier's dad walked through the door,

"Who is this Xavier?" He said kindly

"This is Mia my girlfriend" Xavier said giving his dad a warning look, I sat there awkwardly and put on my bed fake smile,

"Oh ok. Well Xavier can you order the pizzas so we can have them" He said smiling. Xavier nodded and dialed his phone.

We walked downstairs as the bell rang for the pizzas.

"Thanks" Xavier said to the pizza man as he handed the box to him.

"Do you want to go to the dining room?" Xavier asked,

"Yeah why not" we walked towards the table where Xavier's dad was sitting. We sat down and each grabbed a slice

"So Mia, do you have any siblings?" He asked, I still didn't know his name though,

"Yeah I have a sister, and she just recently got married" I said.

"That's nice and your parents when will I get to meet them?" He said, my throat became dry and I didn't know what to say.

"Uhm..-" I started saying but Xavier cut me off,

"How was your day dad" he said. My heart was racing and I frowned at him.

"Son it's not nice to interrupt conversations" I became a little worried and didn't know what to say

"Mia you were saying" I looked towards Xavier who had a sad face on, but I just nodded,

"Yes... My parents aren't alive" I said stern not putting any emotion into my sentence,

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mia." He said, we all sat there in awkward silence before Xavier spoke up, breaking the awkwardness,

"Mia are you done cause I'm sure Taylor is getting worried, I can walk you home?" This conversation kept getting awkwarder but I put it aside,

"Yeah ok, let me go get my stuff from upstairs, I got up from the table and listened carefully on there conversation,

"Dad, please just leave her alone I don't want you hurting her more the-"

I couldn't hear the rest so I walked up the stairs and got my jacket off of his bed.


Hay everyone,

Please vote and comment on my story and tell me if you are enjoying it!

Would really appreciate it,

Also this hasn't been fully edited so sorry for mistakes,

Thanks to everyone for your support...


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