(19) New Addition

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     MK started snuggling into my lap every night. Tonight will be night three for us, sitting in this cell.

Our captor, whoever he is, has yet to bring us any food. He dropped in a water bottle yesterday, but that didn't last long. I made sure to let MK have most of it.

This kid, MK, has his whole life ahead of him. There is no way in Hell I am letting him die here. Even if I die, I am getting this kid out of here.

MK sits up, rubbing his eyes with his tail.

"Well good morning sleepy head." I hum softly.

"Guuuhh... Mornniiiing..." MK says.

Then he seems to get this random burst of energy.

He jumps up, and starts jumping up and down. He runs around the room, before falling his face.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok?" But before I finish my sentence, he hoists himself up.

"I'M FINE!" He says happily.

How is this kid so optimistic, in a place like this?

"Wanna play more turf wars?" You ask.

MK smiles, taking his side of the cell. I walk to the other side, and get ready.

"Yo! Your on!"

Turf wars in the cell is a game we made up yesterday.

We shredded the sack MK came in, and used it to dull our boredom. Each of us gets ten shreds. We lay them out on our side, showing that We have that area claimed. All of my shreds have a hole in the middle, allowing us to distinguish between them.

To attack a shred, announce that you are attacking. Then it becomes like role play. Usually MK wins, so he replaces my shred with one of his.

When all of my shreds have been replaced, then MK wins. It is a little confusing, but we have fun with it. This way we aren't as bored as we were the first day.

We play two or three games, before we settle for some moded rock paper scissors. We include dinomite, lava, coconuts, and all sorts of crazy, made up things.

I check my watch.
2:14 p.m.
Hunger eats away at my stomach, and I'm sure MK isn't much better. My afternoon headache creeps in, just like it did yesterday. Dehydration is a pain.

Maybe if we are lucky, he will drop us in another water bottle? MK will get most of it, but I can savor a few sips.

Me and MK lay down on the concrete, and simply talk. He is very chatty, and it allows me to pretend we aren't currently laying on the cold ground of a cell, in a place where no one knows we are alive.

After about an hour of telling stories, the door creaks open. Startled, I grab MK and back up against the wall.

Another sack is thrown in, another groan coming from inside. The clink of glass hits the concrete, and a distinctively circular form takes shape in the bag.

The man promptly closes the door, but he does slide in another water bottle.

I greedily lunge for it, snapping the cap off and carrying it back to the wall.

I stare at it longingly, but do what I did last time. I hold it up for MK to take, and he wraps his tail around it.

"Aren't you thirsty Daisy?" He asks, in his caring tone.

I shake my head.

"You can go ahead and drink your half." I reply.

He looks at me skeptically, but lifts it to his mouth. He happily guzzled his half, and hands the bottle to me.

I do what I did last time. I start to drink my half, but then don't finnish it.

"Here, you can have the rest. I'm not thirsty." I say sadly. I want that water, but MK needs it more. Especially being a reptile monster.

He stares at me, unsure.

"Yo, Are you sure?" He asks. I nod my head.

He drinks the rest, sighing contentedly after. Then we turn our attention to the sack on the floor.

We both grab the sack, and hoist it off of whoever is held inside.

A glass ball rolls out, with fress dirt inside. The glass seems sturdy, so no breaking that. Inside is a spec of gold against the dirt.

"FLOWEY!?!" I yell out in surprise.

Flowey raises his head, scowling.

"So this is where you've been." He growls.

I snarl back, then realize the wieght of the situation. Frisk. Frisk is always with flowey.

"Is Frisk still safe!?" I shout worriedly.

"Yes, relax! They took me to the park, and set me down to go swing. That's when I was pounced." Flowey clarifies. I let out a breath of relief.

"This fucking glass ball is too tight!" Flowey shouts.

I promptly cover MK's ears, before scolding him.

"LANGUAGE!" I say angrily. Flowey scoffs.

"That'll be one dollar in your swear jar when we get out of here!~" I hum threatenly.

Flowey growls, but shuts up.

"So, how do you plan on getting out of here?" Flowey asks.

"I don't know. We don't exactly have a lot to work with here, Flowey!" I snap.

I close my mouth, sighing.

"Nevermind. Wanna join us in turf wars? We have a new sack now." I offer, bored again.

"Yo! That's a great idea!" MK adds. Flowey scoffs, but doesn't offer an answer.

"Ok then. You get ten shreds, and yours can have a rip, so we can tell the difference." I then procede to explain the rules, but I can tell Flowey isn't really listening.

The weed is gonna make this cell worse then it already is.

(To the tune of
"Your best friend")

Short, short short short, short

Short, short short short, short

Short, short short short, short shooooooort, short.

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