(29) An end

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Sunday, April 29.

Home never felt so good in my entire life. Though, I guess that happens when you've been locked up in a cell for days on end.

I'm relieved, tired, nervous, and scared, but home.

Surely everyone has to be mad at me, right? I mean, who else could be at fault? Mk is only a kid, Flowey can't move, and Anna was only captured after I was. I triggered them to go looking for me, and they ran into a lot of trouble because of it.

But, I am home none the less, enjoying the last three episodes of Gravity Falls. The new episode starts, immediantly startling me with an unexpected turn of events.

"WOAH, WHAT!?" I exclaim, before quickly covering my mouth. The show startled me.

"Are you okay in there?" Michin calls from the kitchen.

Shoot, did I make her mad? What if she gets tired of me yelling in here?

"I-I'm fine!" I say nervously.

I continue to watch the show, keeping quiet this time. At one point Michin calls me in to help with some dishes, and I bolt in there like my life depended on getting those dishes washed in a timely manner. I want to repay my friends for all the worry I must have put them through.

I shouldn't have made them worry. I don't deserve to be worried over, anyway. My own parents never loved me. All I will do is cause them stress.

I sigh, flicking the TV off as the series ends. I get that feeling of sadness as your favourite characters go through their worst, come out on top, and get their happy endings. That feeling as the credits roll, knowing that you may never see those characters again.

I brush the feeling away, concerning myself with my ipod. A news alert rings, urging me to turn the TV back on.

I oblige, flicking to the news channel provided by my local alert. It powers on, immediantly displaying a face I recognize.

I gasp quietly, staring intently at the TV.

"This morning, around 2 am, a criminal turned himslef in to the police station, by the name of Randy Adams, a school teacher at a local high school.

This man admits to the kidnapping and imprisoning of Anna Morriser, Flowey the Flower, Monster Kid, and (y- wait, what was that? Oh, my apologies. And Daisy, of Ebbott town."

Dang, why did they have to make it seem so suspicious? Well, at least they didn't out-right say (y/n) (l/n). So there's that.

"He utilised Chloroform to capture, and an abandonned Prison on Mt. Ebbott to keep. He has been detained, and shows signs of mental instability. He will be admitted into a secure mental facility until further notice. Thank you for your time!"

The news people go off camera, and I shut the TV off. I am comforted to know that he won't be a problem any more.

With nothing better to do, I play some games on my ipod, which, sadly, really only has solitaire and block stack. But, it's something to do, and I will take it.

Michin calls from the kitchen about an hour later, with good news.

"OH DAAIIISSSSYYY!" She calls. I poke my head out the door, curious.

"Thanks to Mr. Adams, you're off school for a week!" She chirps excitedly.

I gasp, hoping up and down a bit. Then I quickly silence myself. I don't want to annoy her, I've already done enough.

"R-Really?" Michin nods, comfirming it.

I smile wide, creeping back into my room. I flick on Michin's laptop, checking my email. I need to make sure everyone heard about it.

Sans: no school!

Alphys: YES! SQUEE!

Undyne: *tackle hugs!*


Anna: Sweet!

Carson: Hallelujah!

Me: thank the Lords!

Sans: is anyone busy tonight?

Several No's are sent, and Sans sends another email.

Sans: My place later? Sleepover?

Many "Sure"s echo through my inbox, my own reluctantly added. Why would they want me there after evwrything I just put them through?

My friends confuse me.

About an hour later, I am sitting in the cafe across from Michin. She has a box in her hand, and a giddy look on her face. What could be getting her so excited?

"H-Hey Michin, what's up?" I question casually. Did I stutter? Apparently I've developed a stutter. Makes sense, I guess.

"I've got a present for you!" Michin hums, swinging her syllables.

I raise an eyebrow, wondering why she got me anything. Doesn't she remember the stress I put them through, getting kidnapped? I shrug, and let her finnish.

"I got you..."

In on the edge of my seat, literally and figuratively. I'm excited, nervous, and giddy. What is it? Tell me woman!


I don't reply for a minute.

A black square is thrusted into my hands, the screen shiny and new. It appears to be an LgK20, which is pretty dang good.

It finally sinks in.

My mouth closes, then opens again.


I squeal with joy, tackle hugging Michin. I scream and dance, a joyous smile printed across my face. Michin is shocked for a moment.

I quickly pull away, quieting down. Would she take it back if I was annoying? I really want this phone, so I better play it safe. I'm already afraid I'm on thin ice with some of the others.

Clutching the phone to my chest, I smile wide. I kiss Michin goodbye, and hum on my way out the doors. Now I can get everyone's phone numbers! Well, if they want to give them to me.

Now that I am safe, happy, and equipped with a phone, I'd say things couldn't have turned out better.

I hope you all enjoyed this book! It has been really fun to write, and gave me even more practice! Thank you all so much for reading!

Its the end...

Of the Mystery Arc.

Why are you still here!?

Get going! You have reading to do! 😂

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