Chapter 1

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Main characters Sunako Nakahara

Sunako Nakahara (中原 スナコ Nakahara Sunako)

action drama.

Sunako Nakahara

The main female protagonist of the series, she has an obsession with darkness and a morbid fascination with blood, horror movies, and other similarly dark things. After being rejected by her first love, she decided to abandon her femininity and become isolated from the world. She hates excessive light exposure and also does poorly in hot weather, though the latter is because she grew up in northern Japan. She has three "friends"; a called Josephine (with husband, sergeant George) and two named Hiroshi-kun and Akira-kun. While she suffers from severely low self-esteem, she is actually quite beautiful (most of her physical imperfections are a result of her self-imposed isolation from the world) and is a frighteningly tough fighter, being able to lift someone twice her size with one hand. She is also surprisingly wise for someone her age and will give good advice to her friends (even if she doesn't realize it). She is shown to be quite blunt saying what is on her mind with no hesitation, unless she is asking the "radiant beings" for a favor. She is portrayed (mostly) throughout the manga in chibi form as a sort of visual metaphor for how she and others see herself; only becoming full sized and in proportion with the others when her mood becomes bold or confident. She is a very good cook, very athletic, intelligent, and a good pianist. She refers to beautiful people as "creatures of light" and "ugly" people, such as herself, as "creatures of darkness", in the translation in America. Whenever she sees a "creature of light", she gets , and they're usually severe when she sees Kyohei (Though recent chapters have shown her having less nosebleeds in his presence). Despite her negative attitude, once she is driven to do something, Sunako is quite capable of doing things that no one expects her to complete. There is also a possibility that she may have supernatural abilities i.e. plants wilting near her and windows shattering.

Her relationship with Kyohei is somewhat unclear, as despite saying that she always wants to kill him, she often goes to an extent to protect him from his admirers and treat him well when he is down. In many of the recent chapters, she has not thought of or mentioned killing him, and though protests at first, doesn't greatly mind spending time with Kyohei, even giving him a homemade gift in the chapter "A Present for You" to remind him of the good memories he had with his mother. Recent chapters have also shown her forgetting her first crush and becoming more open to others, including her peers and teachers at school. She also thinks of her other housemates as more than just that, as stated in a previous chapter of the manga that she thought they were "closest friends." She is shown to be very protective of her friends even going to the point of trying to murder or kill the person who hurt them.

Kyohei Takano

Kyouhei Takano (高野 恭平 Takano Kyohei)

The male protagonist of the series. While he says that all he cares about is getting free (or the lowest amount required to be paid) rent, he has a soft spot for Sunako and empathizes with her more so than the others. He is the most popular of the boys, and always has trouble keeping down a part-time job because his fans will chase after him, or his boss (male or female) will him. Kyohei's personality in the series is often shown to be a fighter and dangerous one. Kyohei is cocky, short-tempered, and the only one tough enough to fight on the same level as Sunako. He also tends to succumb to food and money. Since Sunako is the only girl who is able to understand his true personality regardless of his good looks, he gradually develops an obvious attraction towards her, despite being dense towards his own feelings. In later chapters he seems to be aware of his feelings to at least a small degree. He has a strained relationship with his mother because of the trouble his good looks brought to their household (with many girls bombarding their house with letters and phone calls for him), and was found by the Landlady on the streets where she brought him to the household to live. His hair is modeled after Tackey of .

Takenaga Oda

Takenaga Oda (織田 武長 Oda Takenaga)

Takenaga Oda

The most intellectual of the four, Takenaga is called the "Boss" (a pun on his personal name in Japanese, which can be read as buchou, meaning "boss") by his friends and is the least fazed by Sunako's morbid habits. When the quartet dress Sunako up, Takenaga is usually responsible for doing Sunako's hair. Takenaga was originally from a wealthy family descended from flower masters (), but when the pressure of being the family was too much, he became completely withdrawn and ignored everyone. He was sent to live at the Landlady's mansion in hopes of becoming more "normal". He is described as a caring and is rather shy. He is currently going out with Noi, whom he affectionately calls "Noi-chi", it is also quite possible that he has a jealous personality. Shown in the manga where he thought he might lose Noi to another guy. His name is derived from (in fact it was once suggested in the anime that Takenaga was a direct descendant of Nobunaga) and his reference to Noi as "Noi-chi" is probably a reference to , a sister of Nobunaga.

Yukinojo "Yuki"Toyama

Yukinojo Toyama (遠山 雪之丞 Tōyama Yukinojo)

The most of the four, "Yuki" is gentle and is initially the most frightened of Sunako. He's the most "normal" of the four boys; before coming to live at the mansion he had a normal school life with a middle-class family. His mother and the Landlady are old friends and the Landlady, and Sunako at times, has a soft spot for Yuki, which is shown in "A Girl's Bravo" when Sunako kicked out all the boys and only gave Yuki food. He's also the shortest and shyest, with a "" face, and has been called on (very reluctantly) to dress up as a girl on more than one occasion. He is usually responsible for choosing what sort of clothes Sunako wears when she is forced to dress up and has a good sense of fashion. He has a girlfriend named Machiko. He also has two younger siblings named Gin and Yae.

Ranmaru Morii

Ranmaru Morii (森井 蘭丸 Morii Ranmaru)

A ladies' man, Ranmaru is often going out with various beautiful older (and often married) women. The very sight of Sunako initially has him breaking out in , but when her true beauty is revealed, he decides that she has "potential" to become a real lady. Like Takenaga, he comes from a wealthy family (who own a series of hotel chains), but was sent to live with the Landlady because he exploited his wealth and his parents wanted him to become normal. Surprisingly, Ranmaru is actually better at than Takenaga, who comes from a traditional family. He apparently is the strongest advocate of making Sunako into a lady and is usually responsible for doing her make-up whenever she has to dress up; however, his attempts are rarely successful in the long run and he is convinced that it is Kyohei's attitude towards Sunako that is the primary problem. In hopes of changing his womanizing habits, his parents engage him to a reserved and conservative girl of their liking, named Tamao Kikunoi. Even though he rejects Kikunoi's love for him, he begins to develop feelings for her. He is named after the real life , the partner of .

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