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Dan's POV

I could hear him breathing next to me, slowly and quiet like he was peaceful, I hoped he was peaceful. I lay with my arm slung around him desperately fighting the urge to stroke his relaxed cheek. I didn't want to wake him from his slumber but another part of me wanted to see is innocent smile. He was perfect, too perfect. I couldn't resist it, I gently stroked his cheek and he fidgeted like I had just tickled him. He groaned and opened one eye scouring the room for what was right in front of him. His groan made my heart melt. "Morning, Philly" I whispered softly staring at him lovingly and warm.

Phil's POV

All I could do was grunt at that time in the morning but I fought the urge to whisper, "morning". I could feel his warmth radiating onto my chest, he was so close to me, our legs tangled together, his arm under my neck and my arm over his waist with my hand resting against the elastic of his boxers. It felt perfect. He was perfect. All I could think of was why he chose me, he was so beautiful and I was, well me, he could have anyone he wanted.

I could feel myself tensing up, I knew I was going to ruin the moment, I took a deep breath released a muffled grunt.

"Someone's had a good nights sleep haven't they?" he said quietly.

"The best since I was next to you-", I smiled, "-what time is it?"

Dan shrugged and rolled onto my chest, twiddling his fingers through my tangled, messy bed hair.

"Give me my phone then."

"It must still be in the kitchen." Dan announced.

"The kitchen?" I replied curiously.

"Yeah, the kitchen, it's where I'm gonna make you pancakes."

I swear to god. I have never jumped out of bed so quickly in my life.

Dan's POV

Good job Dan, the way to a boy's heart is through pancakes. You really need to stop talking to yourself in third person Dan. Shut up Dan. Ugh, I have problems.

I gently cusped Phil's hand in mine and led him to the kitchen completely unaware that I was only in sweatpants and he was in his boxers. I could feel his eyes staring into the back of my head and all I could do was smile. I smiled so widely I could swear I looked like an idiot.

We walked into the kitchen when I realised the mess we had made last night, smashed eggs on the floor, unidentifiable foods stuck to walls and milk splashed over the work tops.

"Whoopsies." I exclaimed playfully.

"Did we really make this much mess?" Phil questioned me.

"I guess so, but well, it was fun." I replied smiling to him.

He stared back at me and suddenly and big cheeky grin appeared upon his face and we began to laugh.

Phil grabbed my hand once again and held it tightly and I knew he cared. He led me out of the kitchen. I bumped against the unit and winced in pain.

"Dan? What's wrong?" Phil questioned.

"It's nothing, I'm ok."

"You don't look ok." He replied.

I shook off his grip and turned biting my fingernails.

He can't know. He'll think I'm a freak. What have I done? I'm so stupid. He'll tell everyone.

Phil's POV

I moved closer and wrapped my arms around his waist, he flinched a little but didn't speak.

"You can trust me Dan." I whispered quietly into his ear.

He turned very slowly almost like he was shy or ashamed. He gently pulled down the band of his sweatpants revealing four little deep cuts and countless white scars.

Tears began to fill his eyes. He began to mumble insults to himself and pushed me away. I couldn't believe it, Dan was so perfect and felt so bad about himself and I never noticed.

Guilt took over and all I could do was tell Dan to be quiet but he just kept mumbling, I held my hands to his face and stared into his eyes and suddenly all I could feel was his soft lips against mine and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

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