Dan's POV

Until that moment I have never felt such worth. He cared about me. Finally he cared. Phil feels the way I have felt about him for months. Phil's gay. Phil's gay? What?

Phil pulled away, and stared at me questioning me with his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I announced.

"For what?" He questioned me.

"For the cuts, for not telling you, for not telling you how I feel..." I replied.

"How you feel about what?"

"How I feel about you."

"How do you feel about, eh me?" He asked nervously.

"I, eh, I really like you Phil, I have for, ehm months." I replied just as nervously.

"That's ok then because I've pretty much like you from the, the beginning..."

Phil's POV

I took Dan's hand once again and led him out of the kitchen and into my bedroom.

"I feel pretty naked." I said.

"You look pretty naked." Dan replied.

"I better put something on then."

"I wasn't complaining." Dan said slyly.

Dan say down on the bed, he signalled for me to come and sit down and I did as he told me.

Dan's POV

I put my hand just above his knee not wanting to seem too keen or bold, Phil looked up at me like I had just confessed my love to him which I had practically just did but anyways Dan, smooth move. Dan shut up. Ah the third person thing again. I started to draw little circles on his leg with my fingers.

"What are you doing?" Phil asked.

"I can stop if you like?"

"No, no, it's eh, fine." He insisted.

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