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"Noooooo!Lemme gooooo!!"
"Weren't you excited to finally go to school again?"

At Cafe Leblance, Sojiro and Futaba were upstairs in the attic,whereas Akira was waiting for her to come down so they can go to Shujin Academy.Sojiro is helping her to get ready for school,but Futaba starts to doubt herself a bit.

It wasn't her fault for having this insecurity,though.

The problem was however, Futaba was a shut-in who did not attend school and rarely leaves her house.She has not attended school ever since graduating middle school,ever since her mother's death two years ago.
By her age,she should have been a first year student in high school.
At least,not until now.

Ever since she met Akira and the other Phantom Thieves,she has tried her best to come out of her shell,and reconnect with the outside world.
One of her most desired goals,which was attending school again and be a normal student once more.

Akira was been helping her with her rehabilitation back to society by taking her to numerous places and let her sometimes interact socially with other people.
Now,he'll be helping her with her trying to tackle her most fearsome challenge yet:

Sojiro comes down the stairs and lets out a sigh.
Akira looks up from his phone,and glances over to Sojiro.
"She started getting worried and was about to give up,but I convinced her to keep on going."
Sojiro says.

Akira looks worriedly at the man before him.
"Is she okay?"
Sojiro chuckles,"Don't worry,she'll be down in a minute."

"Okay!!I'm ready~!"
Futaba yells as she walks down the wooden stairs.
She wore a white long sleeved cotton shirt,with suspenders attached to her plaid-patterned skirt,complete with a black blazer with red buttons and the Shujin Academy emblem on the right corner front of the blazer.

Akira watched in amazement at how much the girl before him has grown.Once a shut in who was scared of society before her,now a student along with him at his school.
He admired her enthusiasm despite herself being insecure.

Sojiro spoke up in a serious tone:
"Now listen up.Be careful and be polite towards the other students and teachers.And don't get into any trouble got it?"
"Sojiro,don't worry!It'll be fine!And I got Akira to help me in any trouble right?"Futaba replied.
Akira nods.
Morgana then poked up from the black haired teen's backpack,
"Says the girl who a minute ago was crying about giving up."
Futaba shots him an annoyed look,then proceeds to pet Morgana's head and pokes his cheeks,
"Ow!Ow!Stop that!!"
Futaba snickers.
Sojiro then glances at Akira,
"Make sure she doesn't get into any trouble and don't let her wander off somewhere on her own alright?"
"Yes sir."
Futaba then springs out the door,grabbing Akira by the arm.
"Alright!Its time for me to start my journey!!"
"Whoaa! Calm down Futaba!"
Akira responds abruptly.

Andddddd that's the prologue!!!
I hope you enjoyed it,and sorry if I got any mistakes. ^^'' This is my first time writing up something on Wattpad so I'll try not to be so trashy lol
But anyways,thank you for reading ! :D

Starting School-AkitabaWhere stories live. Discover now