Chapter 2: Befriend

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A few days later,the group sat down at lunchtime to eat together at the cafeteria.

Things have been going rather smoothly for Futaba through her first days at Shujin.

However,her friends noticed that she was avoiding everyone else and only interacted with them.I mean,it made sense.
They were all best friends,who fought together in their time as the Phantom Thieves.
They are the ones who saved her after all.

And then Haru spoke up.
"You haven't been talking much to your classmates,Futaba..."

Futaba was eating her spaghetti and replied with her mouth full,

"Mmmgn?I'f veen tahkin to you guys aren'ft I?

Makoto then sighed,
"Please don't speak with your mouth full of food..."
As she took a napkin and starting to wipe off the bits of food on Futaba's mouth.


"But Haru isn't wrong,maybe you should try socializing more with the other classmates..."
Ann added,as turned to Ryuji and put an arm over him,
She grinned,expecting Ryuji to follow along and then agree with her.
"Uh,um,yea sure,go for it."
He was staring off into space,not paying attention to the conversation.
Ann,then hits him at the back of his neck out of annoyance.
"Ow!!What was that for?!"

Both of them started to bicker among themselves,meanwhile Akira,Haru and Makoto when back to Futaba.
Haru then calmly spoke,
"It's not that we don't enjoy hanging out with you,we really do!Its just we feel like for you to grow more as a person,you might want to be more interactive and meet new people..."

She tried her best to explain,but she was worried Futaba might get the wrong idea or impression.
"Mmmmmm....don't wanna...."

Futaba put her arms on the table as she put her head down lazily.

"Too sleepy,it requires me to be social so nah...."

Akira looked at Futaba.
He was worried for her since he was trying to help her get back into society.

He had an idea.
"Didn't you say you wanted to meet new people?"
"Didn't you make a promise to make new friends?
"Didn't you promise you wouldn't give up?"
She was fuming at this point.
He smirked mischievously.His plan was working.
"I thought you would never give up,with that determination and spirit of yours~"
"Guess I was wrong~"

Futaba got up and screeched out,
"You're doubting me,Akira?!I'll show you!!"

She stood up from the table,and went off to search for new friends.

She didn't realize however that it was going to be this hard.
The cafeteria was filled with loud crowds of students in their own little groups and many of them were just making a scene. Even two jocks were fighting to prove who's the strongest or whatever.

Futaba's p.o.v

I looked around me.
All I saw were a bunch of knuckleheads trying to prove their dominance.
Did I attend a school or a zoo?!

I look to look at my friends,
Ann and Ryuji were still bickering.
Makoto was giving me the thumbs up.
And Haru was mouthing out to me "Good luck!"
But Akira.
Oh Akira.
He was smirking at me,watching me try to go through in this hell of a cafeteria just to make a few dumb ol' friends.
I thought I was ok with just seven?
Seven's enough for me thanks.
But I knew what he was planning.
He wants me to back out and probably go crawling back to them,begging for mercy as if I was a little kid.
Well to heck with that!
I won't let him and his cocky ego win against me!
I'll show him!

I walked around some tables,looking for someone to talk to in peace,if it was even possible.
'No luck....' I thought.

As I was about to leave,a girl with blonde hair tied in a ponytail approached me.
"Hey,you are Sakura-chan right?"
I looked down at my feet.I tried to speak clearer but my anxiety was killing me.
Nervousness overwhelming me.

I just nodded.
"Oh!Great!I finally found you!"
She grabbed my arm rather tightly and started to pull me to follow her.
"You're the girl I met on the first day!I wanted to talk to you,but you seemed to be having fun with your....friends..."
She look away from me for a moment.
Why did she pause like that?
She turned back and smiled to me,
"But anyways!I wanted to talk to you and introduce you to the other girls in the class!Is it ok if you can sit with us?"
I nodded shyly.
"Great!Let's go!!"

As she guided me through the mass of students mixed around,I took a glimpse at my friend's table and saw Akira smiling genuinely and giving me the thumbs up.

I grinned widely as I emerged victorious.

"Are you watching me Akira?!
See?I can be independent too!"

I thought to myself and giggled.

And end the chapter!I hoped you enjoyed!

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