Chapter 6: These Feelings...

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Futaba flopped on her bed,landing on the soft and fluffy mattress.Her mind was recalling all of the recent events.
The girls started to "warn" her and tell her to stay away from him,making her blow up like a time bomb and shouted them off.
Futaba surprised herself,she didn't even know she was capable of actually screaming in public.
But it wasn't because of thinking of doing it....
It was more instinctive impulse. was more like she had no control of herself.Her emotions to be more specific.
It's just that....she subconsciously without thinking,as if automatically,tried to defend Akira.
Oh,the tall frizzy hair male,the one who had the  black glasses that are his mask during the day.The same one who,though looks passive,his calming demeanor can be proven intensely scaring on many occasions.The same man who saved her through her toughest of times,and who provoked a rebellion to protect those in need,correcting evil-doers and criminals,while still saving the victims.

That was the man she was defending.
And oh boy,she has a good reason for.

Even though she threaten them to reveal their identities as the Phantom Thieves of Hearts to the public eye,but then calling off the deal at one point,Akira and his friends still tried their best to help her.
She heard so much about how much they cared for her well being after Sojiro confessed to them through her hidden cameras at Leblanc.

And they fulfilled their promise alright.

They helped her grow as a person while facing her cognition of her mother,and even helped her discover that she can stand up for herself,and no lies shall deceive her no more.

She slowly,but surely,decided to change for the better by finally reconnecting with humanity.
She shocked Sojiro by how willing and confident she was on getting out of the house.
And with his help,Futaba started to walk around more places and interact with various people.And now,Futaba had her life back,and is finally living like a normal high school student should.

And it was all thanks to him.
She owed him his life.

But...wait a minute....
Things started changing.Evolving.Transforming.
She felt something whenever she was around him.
Something...hard to describe.
The feeling and sentiments were of those of immense trust and deep understanding between one another.
Like...she has total faith in him,and she sees him for who he is,no matter what rumors may seem to run around.
That seems like a solid friendship right?
Well...she felt strange....
Anytime she had some sort of close contact with him,she felt her chest tighten a bit,and her heart started to beat faster than before.
Her cheeks would get furiously reddened,whenever she was embarrassed or he made a cute gesture towards her,like a compliment,a hug or just a simple head pat.

Hmmmm.......What was happening?

Futaba thinks she has an answer.


"...I'm probably sick and caught a fever or

Futaba laid on top of her bed,sighing at herself and her thoughts.

"What's wrong with me...?Why am I like this towards Akira...?"

She looked over to her nightstand,her phone laying there.She moved herself towards it and grabbed,and starting typing a message to a fellow friend.

Anndddd end the chapter!I hope you enjoy,and next one will be sort of like a "chat format" so stay tuned for that I guess XD
Good day/night. •w•

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