Chapter 10: Sleepy

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The two laid peacefully asleep.Futaba was all curled up on top of Akira,mumbling little sounds.
Meanwhile,the other was starting open his tired eyes and trying to focus his vision around him.
He yawned,and was about to get up,until he felt something a bit heavy on top of his body.
Oh right.
The memories of the night before started to slowly get back to him.


"I don't want anymore drama...I'm tired of everyone picking on me and blaming me for everything...."

"So...can what you always do best and please...."

"Be here as my friend?"


He slowly looked at the source of the heaviness...
Only to find the sleeping girl lying on top of him.

"Oh god...We ended actually sleeping together?!"

He was absolutely flustered,his face starting to turn beet red.

"C-Calm down...It's not a big deal,we just fell asleep by accident.Besides it's not like you have a crush on her or anything just cause you are pretty overprotective of her and you wish to keep her safe beside you and you don't ever want anyone hurting your precious little treasu-
No no.Stop those thoughts.We are just friends.Nothing more,nope.End of story."

He lowered his head to examine the little orange haired girl.
Sure,she had messy hair locks that were surrounding her head and some parts of her face,her sleeping position was questionable and she was drooling a little bit.
You would think this would be normally unpleasant,but for some reason...

"She actually looks like a peaceful little baby this way.Messy,but..."

He smiled softly,as his cheeks started to feel a bit warmer.


He raised his hand up to her head,petting the sleepyhead.

His fingers got tangled in the messy orange locks,but it was surprising how it was so silky and soft...
Futaba started to mumble again and her expression changed into the form of a tiny smile.
Looks like she enjoyed the gesture.

"Oh shit..."
Akira's eyes widened at her reaction to his previous action,tints of crimson appearing on his cheeks.
He half expected her to wake up,fearing the worst to come...




Nope,sleeping like a rock.

He sighed in relief.
"Thank God..." he thought.The last thing he wanted was to wake her up and misunderstand the situation.


"Shit.Spoke too soon."

The small girl squirmed a bit,rubbing her eyes softly...

"Morning already...?" she yawned,still completely unaware.
Akira froze at her voice,and stayed quiet.

She sat up,stretching her arms,and as soon as she opened her eyes,she began to notice her surroundings.


She saw to her right a pair of legs that definitely did not belong to her.


At the same time,a familiar voice snarled up,a voice she knew very well.

"Morning,Sleeping Beauty~"

And that's when it started to become clear.

Futaba's POV:

"Morning Sleeping Beauty~"

I froze at the sound of his voice.Immediately,I turned to him in shock,the one and only Akira who is smirking back at me.

"W-Wha?!Akira?!What are you doing here!?"
I yelled,as I felt my cheeks burn.Weird.

But that's not important!!!

My heart was beating like crazy,it felt like it could pop out of my chest.Why is that?!

He chuckled, "I should be asking the same thing to you~"

I puffed my cheeks,grabbing a nearby pillow and hitting him with it.Turns out its futile,only making him laugh even more.

"Stop playing games!!W-Why were you- and I- s-sleeping in the same b-bed?!

He scratched his head,and turned back to my gaze,
"If I had to guess,when you were having your meltdown yesterday,we probably just fell asleep on the bed while hugging each other..."

"S-So it was accidental...."

Whew,at least it didn't end up something weird....I mean,I trust Akira but he's still a guy...Thank God...
But still..!
I fell asleep on Akira by accident!!!

I don't it's normal or hell- even ok to be sleeping like this with your friends!

"U-Um Akira..."


"Can you- like um,pleasenottellanyoneaboutthis?"


I sighed,and starting hitting him rapid light punches like a little kid to his shoulder,

"B-Because it's embarrassing dammit!!!
Do I really need to say it!?"

This boy sometimes-!! Arggh!!!!

He laughed and pat my head,stroking my hair.

"Sure,no one will know."

He smiled at me.
It's...kinda cute...
I swear,this man will be the death of me-

"Pff...whatever...." I pouted.

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