Chapter 5: Moment

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Akira stood there in awe,was utterly dumbfounded and speechless.
His mind and thoughts were a complete mess.

What the heck just happened?

And then he did a quick replay of what happened just now in his mind.
Futaba was with her friends.
Her friends,they were demanding that she stop hanging out with him.
Proceeds to insult him.Futaba gets mad,and a cat fight arose.
Futaba actually defended him.She stood up for him...
Akira quickly shook his head,that part was not important right now,he needed to talk to her.

He chased her down the halls,and eventually,
finally caught up to her,

The oranges haired girl glanced at him,with a bit of sad look.
"You...heard all that?"
Akira nodded.
"Futaba...why did you...?"
"They were hurting you!! What else could I have done?!"
"They should not be verbally abusing anyone at all!What the hell is wrong with these people?!"
"Futaba...don't get me wrong,I appreciate you for helping me back there...."
Futaba crossed her arms,
"So what?!It's not good that they mistreat you like trash!"
Akira sighed,thinking carefully what's he going to say to her.
"...Look,Futaba,I know how you feel,but I can take it,you should worry more about yourself.I already dealt an entire with them,so it's no big deal."
"And I know,and I appreciate what you did back there..."
A blush crept Akira's cheeks but he quickly composed himself before the small girl noticed,
"But try not to bring so much attention towards yourself....Or you'll probably get bullied too-"

Akira was suddenly interrupted by Futaba,who gave him a bear hug,her arms tightly wrapped around his upper body,
"I don't care!!!I don't like it when my friends are getting hurt!Especially when it comes to people I care about!!"

The tall male looked away.Her kind words shot him right through the heart,as his blush was growing to be more noticeably red.
He patted Futaba's back softly and spoke,
"I know you want to defend others,but it's better to just ignore them.All they want is to gain attention,towards themselves or others for their personal careful with what you say...ok?"

Akira whispered softly,
"I don't want you to get hurt."

Futaba was about to object to that,but she understood that fighting back is futile,so she gave in,pulling herself away from the hug,

"Fiineeee,jeez....Just don't go all mopey on me."
She chuckled,as a soft smile came from Akira.

"Well,time to make like a bee and buzz off.Gotta get to class."
Futaba was about to leave until he called her one last time.

"Oh and Futaba?"
She turned her head.
"Thank you...for defending me..."
Akira smiled as he pat her,but a bit more friendly and softly.
Futaba stuttered,
"N-No problem..."
For some reason,her heart start to beat faster at his sudden action.
Gah?!What was this feeling?!

As Akira left,Futaba took a moment to touch her cheeks...

They were hot.Very freakin hot.
"W-What is happening to me?!"

She rushed off quickly to her class,still thinking about him the whole time.

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