Chapter 3: Socializing

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The girl took Futaba to their table,where another girl,who had black short hair was waiting for them.
"Ah!Suzaki-chan! Futaba-chan!"
The short haired girl waved her arm to them.

"Futaba-chan,this is Kura Chijo.
And sorry,for the long await..."
The girl with the blonde ponytail gave out a hand to Futaba,
"My name is Suzaki Itō.My apologies for not greeting you properly sooner."

Futaba's pov:

I swear I'm like an accident just waiting to happen....
Ughhh why couldn't I've just stayed home today and not feel this nervous?!

Suzaki flashed me an apologetic frown.

"N-N-N-No!!! I-It's ok,don't worry..."
I took her hand,trying to reassure her,but now it's literally shaking by itself because of how scared I am...
Someone help me.... TwT

"Why don't you come sit with us?"
Kura patted her hand on the cold metal seat to welcome her in.
I sat down next to Kura,meanwhile Suzaki sat across me on the table.

A few days have gone past,and I ended up having two new friends outside the Phantom Thieves! Yay!

My next objective: Try my best to keep them around..... -w-"

They don't seem like bad people.During our talks,Suzaki said she loved to play music,and Kuta told me she wanted to become a writer of a novel series.

They seemed like nice people.....
But one must always be careful....

I spent four whole days talking to these girls.....Like,I know we just met but jeez,late night phone calls might be a bit much...
I got dragged along so much by them I didn't get a chance to talk to any of my friends in between classes and lunchtime...

I didn't know socializing could be this exhausting....
At least I have more reason to prove that I have learned more about being social,and matured and other stuff...
Well,according to the many health websites I read.Now it said that I have to try to spend as much time as possible with them?
I'll try,I'll try....

This is for myself after all!!
Third-Person pov:

At night,Futaba and Akira started playing videogames together for a bit.
They were playing a fighting game and both of them were neck-to-neck.

Sometimes they would talk while they played.This was no different.

Futaba screamed as she started button mashing the hell out of the poor controller.
"Not yet,kiddo."
Akira starting pressing buttons in a some sort of pattern sequence quickly and was able to beat Futaba's character,as the cutscenes displayed on the television screen showed that Akira's character won.

Futaba fell to the floor on her knees in defeat.

"I thought you were the self-proclaimed ultimate gamer?"
He gave Futaba a proud grin.
"Shut up!Rematch,NOW!!!"
She stood up and started punching softly his shoulders as she kept chanting,until he  finally let up.
He laughed and went back to the menu select.
Futaba looked away with a cute pout on across her face,her cheeks lightly red in frustration and embarrassment.
She was very skilled at videogames and hacking,so she felt very annoyed by his sudden achievement.
Well,he did shock her,she didn't know he was THAT good in videogames much to her surprise.

Akira's pov (Finally!!lol)

I went back to my chair and grabbed the controller to choose the stage platform we were gonna fight on in the game.

As I kept choosing the difficuty levels,I thought about asking Futaba about her and her new friends,just to see how she's doing.She's been hanging out a lot without us these past few days,so it'd be good to know.
Once we were done picking the characters,the game started.

While we fought off each other,I took the chance to ask Futaba mid-battle,
"Hey Futaba?I've been wondering."
Once I heard that,I took the opportunity to shoot her in the game at the precise moment.
It was glorious.
"Wha-?!I meant shoot for the question not at me!!!"
She snarled at me,and I took a good look at her face.
She was very determined and focused,despite looking a bit angry.
I don't know why,but she looks pretty cute all angry like tha-
Wait what.
No,no.I shouldn't be thinking like that
Focus on the game.And Futaba.And the  question.
Not on her,you idiot!!!
Focus on both the game and the question.There.

"I seen you have made some new friends Futaba." I said as I tried my best to survive
"Yeah,yeah,Suzaki and Kura-OOOOOOHHHH PUNCH TO YOUR FACE,BITCH!!!"
Akira ignored her last comment,as the screen displayed he has lost one of his lives,then he waited to respawn again to fight her again.
"Ok?Then how are they?"
"Eh,pretty nice,Suzaki likes music and Kura wants to write a book and HOLY SHIT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS,AKIRA."
Futaba's character finally lost a life,only having one left.
Good,this was my chance to get ahead.I smiled as I kept fighting on.
"Have they been nice to you?And do you feel ok around them?"
"Super nice,almost too nice.And yea kinda I guess."

'Too nice?'
'I guess?'
What does that mean?

" 'I guess?' " Akira replied back.
Futaba paused herself for a moment.
"It's nothin'.You don't need to worry about it-"

That doesn't sound ok to me...It just makes me even more worri-

Oh shit.
Here's comes my defeat I guess.
The television showed Futaba's character punching repeatedly Akira's character in a super move combo.
And then,the words popped saying
'Player 2 is the winner!!!'

"YESSSSSS!Now what do you have to say now huh!?"
Futaba looked up to me,smiling proudly with delight and pride,her hands on her hips as she showed off her winning stance.
I smirked at her,and proceeded to clap,
"Congratulations,you have now regained your title as the Ultimate Queen of Gaming,milady~"
Futaba grumbled and spat out,
"Uhhhhhh!No fair!!You're not angry at all?!"
"Nope,I'm as chill as the wind~"
Futaba cringed.
"You and your stupid pride...."
She mumbled to herself as she pouted.

She checked the clock on the wall and jumped,
"Welp,gotta bounce.Sojiro would kill me if I came back home any later."
I nodded.
"Do you want me to walk you home?"
"Nah,I'm good."

Her earlier answers were bothering me....
I need to ask her about it one more time.

As she was about to leave the door,
I called out to her again.

"Hey Futaba?"
"Are you sure everything's going well at school?With your friends...?"

She stopped for a second,but then smiled warmly at me.

"Don't worry about it!Everything's fine!
And bye!"
She left down the stairs.

I sighed and starting cleaning up the mess we made as Morgana came into the room.

"Another video game battle?"
I nodded.
"Well,it's small so it'll be easier to clean than last time."
I sighed as I looked off across the room.
"Akira?Are you alright?You seem uneasy..."
I paused and looked back at him.
"Sorry,I'm just tired."
He walked up to my bed and nuzzles up in the blankets.
I breathed slowly and looked out as the window,staring out at the stars in the sky glowing in the moonlight,

"I hope she'll be ok."

Wooooo longer chapter this time,but anyways I hoped you enjoyed!

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