Chapter 1: Enter

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After some time,both of them reach the train station and take a train to head to the Academy.

Now they are walking and heading the near the school gate.

"Whoa......" The orange haired girl looks up at the huge building in amazement.
"Nah,I've seen bigger in some animes."
Futaba looks around the sidewalk
on the left side of the school.
"Hm?What are you looking at?"
Akira says.

"Hmmm...Is there gonna be one of those visual novel scenarios in which a schoolgirl is running with a piece of bread in her mouth yelling 'I'm late to school!' and then she bumps in to the guy of her dreams or somethin'?"
Futaba keeps gazing down curiously at the students walking up to the gates.

Akira was rather confused.
"Uh....I don't think so...?"
'She may be a bit strange but,it's not really a bad thing.It's actually quite cute.',he thought.
Futaba turns back at him says,
"Oh well.Guess it be too cliche anyway."
Futaba snickers to herself softly,then grabs Akira's hand,
"Cmon'!Let's get going!"
Akira tries to keep up with the orange haired girl's fast pace up to the stairs, almost tripping on the way.
But he doesn't mind her hyperactive nature.

Once they head inside,they see a bunch of students talking with one another in some spots.
Futaba looks around and goes behind Akira instinctively,mainly because of her shyness.
They get some weird looks from other students.

Akira then speaks,
"Let's head to the faculty office  so they can appoint you to your class and meet up with the others,ok?"

They walk by the halls,gaining some unwanted attention from their classmates as they watch them go.

"Is she a new student?"
"She must be the new girl."
"Why is she with that delinquent?"
"Do they know each other?"
"It's that troublemaker transfer student!"
"He better not try to do something to her..."
"He might try to hurt her!"
"Poor girl...."

Akira and Futaba listened in on the students gossiping to one another as they kept on walking.
Futaba whispered to herself those words as she felt frustration and anger towards the people who were calling her friend a bad person.
He was the person who always helped his friends and saved many people from rotten adults,yet they don't know it.And he was especially the person who helped her all this time.
Akira glances over to a worried Futaba,who was watching herself fiddling her fingers in anxiety and mumbles,
"I'm sorry I brought you more trouble...."
Akira smiles and pats her head.
"It's ok,this happens."
Futaba then looks over to him.
She still feels worry over her friend.She knows that he's been misunderstood by many people so many times....Having a criminal record,even if he did nothing wrong and was blamed upon for a crime he did not commit.She felt pity for what he had to go through.So she wanted to give him her support.
So...hesitantly,she held his hand.

"Don't listen to them.I-I know you for who you really are.And you're not a bad person at all."
She said softly enough so only he can hear,as she looked down to the floor.

Akira looked down at her and felt his cheek warm up,turning into a tint pink,at her kind words.
He looked away in embarrassment.


"Alright then.Miss Futaba Sakura welcome to Shujin."

Makoto smiles proudly as the faculty member gave Futaba her
new Student ID.

"Now,Nijima-san here will show you the way to your homeroom and the other classrooms for your school year."
And so they did
Makoto then gestures Futaba out the door as she looks excitedly at her student ID and Akira pats her head again and congratulates her again.
-At Futaba's appointed classroom-
"Now follow this schedule and try not to doze off in class okay?
Makoto handed a school schedule to Futaba.
"I'll try..."
Akira then speaks to her,
"Don't worry,if you need any help,I'll be here."

Futaba smiles,and then says goodbye to her friends,and goes up to her seat.
Some girls start walking up to Futaba,bombarding her with questions,
"Hey are you the new girl?
"What's your name?"
"Do want us to show you around?"
"Y-Yeah s-sure...."

Throughout the day,two schoolgirls from Futaba's class showed her around the school.

-After School-

"Not so loud!" Makoto warns Futaba,as the group walks out the school gates.
"Sorry" Futaba laughs nervously.
"Now you're officially a student at Shujin Academy!" Ann states gallantly.
"Yeah! This calls for another celebration!"
Ryuji announced loudly.
"How about another get-together at Leblanc?"
Haru asked politely.
They all cheered in agreement.
"We can play video games and make lots of food and- Oooh!!I call dibs on having curry for desert!!" Futaba spoke up.

Andddddd  end the long ass chapter!Thank you for reading!

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