Chapter 8: Consequences

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If anyone's wondering,the picture above is from the anime Kakegurui.
I showed it to give you,the viewer,an idea of what kind of chapter this'll be.
Again,there's a warning cause of bullying instances.Not for the light hearted viewer.
Hope it helps you visualize a bit more :).

The very next day,Futaba tried to walk by herself to school.
For some reason,she couldn't accompany Akira because that was way too much for her heart to handle.
She has feelings for him.
Futaba shook her head and walked inside the building.
As she walked,however,some students were staring at her,snickering.
She was confused,but nevertheless made her way to her classroom.
But when she got to her desk...

Third Person POV:

Futaba looked down at her desk.
Her eyes were widened in shock.
Her table desk was filled with messy writing and scrapped paper.
The messy writing's meaning contained some very....harmful insults behind them.

Futaba looked in shock as she read each one of the small messages.
The list went on.
It didn't get any better.
In the middle of the table,there was a small white flower placed on a tiny vase.

You see,in Japanese culture,if a student dies,they place a flower on their desk.
However,if someone places a flower on a student's desk, when they are still alive,
it basically means...

"I wish you were dead."

Futaba,she just breathed,and proceeded to clean up her desk.She heard snickers and whispers of other students nearby watching her.
She didn't care.
As the day went on,she little by little got rid of all the garbage she had to clean up,and the last thing was the flower.
She didn't want it to die,so she took it with her to go see if she can plant it somewhere in the school.
Just because she had to suffer,doesn't mean the poor plant had to.
She proceeded to walk by the halls with the flower in hand.She saw two familiar faces walking.
It was Akira and Ryuji.
She saw them,but her blank expression didn't change.
Ryuji then spotted the flower in her hands.
"Ooooooh you got some secret admirer or somethin'?"
Futaba just looked down in pity.
Both Akira and Ryuji noticed.
"Hey,you ok?Did someone do somethin'?!"
Ryuji was started to get fired up.
Futaba then looked up and shook her hand.
"No no no!'s just yeah,I found this in my locker."
She lied.She didn't neither of them to worry for her.
"Ohhh so you do have an admirer~"
Akira smiled,but tried to dismiss mentally what the blonde was stating.
"But...Are you sure you are okay,Futaba?"
Akira spoke up and frowned.
Futaba smiled warmly as she walked right in between them with no warning.
As she walked off,Ryuji and Akira just shared a look.
"Do you think she's ok,dude?"
Akira slowly shooked his head.
"I'll follow her."
Akira went off to go look for Futaba.

-At the school's small garden-

Futaba sat down in the messy grass use her hands to dig up a small hole in the dirt.She placed her flower and put the dirt back into the hole.
She stared at the flower,tying herself around her thoughts.
She didn't however notice Akira was just a small distance away,but enough that he could hear.

Akira's POV:

I sat down nearby the garden but not close enough that she can see me.
I looked at her as she started playing with the flower petals by herself.

"I'm sorry,little bud.You had to be the victim of someone else's wish fulfillment...."
She rolled around the grass and slowly touched the petals.
"But just because someone wants me to disappear,doesn't mean you should wither away,little one."

Did I hear that right?
Someone wants to make her disappear?

"I know I'm probably just a burden for everyone else....A weigh on everyone's shoulders....It's not like anyone would care if I ever just....Die one day..."
Futaba looked sadly at the flower.
"I just....want to be at peace.Away from all the drama and away from all the despair..."

Futaba leaned to the small flower,caressing it's stem to its pure white petals.
"Maybe....I should disappear...It's not like I'm valuable anyways....Everyone would probably be better off with me gone..."
Tears started to form in Futaba's eyes.
"After all...I just...couldn't stand it anymore....That these people keep bullying my friends left and right....That they judged them and mistreated them....I just..."
A tear strolled down Futaba's cheek,
"I couldn't stand hearing all those hurtful things those jerks saying about my friends!!!"
Futaba sobbed,but kept going.
"Why am I even here...?Why do I even try...?"
She hid her face with hands,feeling the wet painful tears.
"I...I really just a burden....All I do is cause trouble....I keep messing up....over and over...."
Futaba wiped her tears with her arm.
"I should've just....ended my life when I had the chance...."
Futaba stood up,and tried to clean and wipe off any sign of her showing any sort of sign she was crying.
And the moment she walked off the garden...


I found myself in tears.

Third person POV:

Akira was in pain,he heard everything.
Every single word.
His friend,whom he cared for the most.
Is contemplating suicide.
This was too much for him.
He clenched his fist in anger as he tried to wonder,

Who the fuck hurt her.

Wow this chapter took a 180 pretty quickly.I hope you enjoy!

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