Chapter 9: You Got A Friend In Me.(pls read A/N)

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Cookie to anyone who gets the age old reference in the title XD
Sorry this took forever,I was working on some requests and my teacher is getting on my freakin nerves... •~•

And I'm still on hiatus but I wanted to give this book a update so
but enough of that*COUGH*


Akira decided to confront Futaba about the matter once they get back home.

They were eating dinner as they both sat on stools near the table booth at Leblanc.
Futaba hasn't spoken a word since they gotten home.

Futaba gazed at her plate with hollow eyes,as she stood up from the stool and took the plate.

"You're already full,Futaba?" Akira asked,leaning a bit from his seat.

Futaba mumbled a bit but she managed to utter these words. "I' longer hungry...I lost my appetite..." She made her way to the sink to put her dirty plate away,and proceeded to walk upstairs to the attic.

Akira started to chow down his food quickly and took care of the dishes so he could meet up with her upstairs.

Once he was done,he took a deep breath and headed upstairs,only find Futaba playing videogames on the old TV.

"Hey..." he tried to break the silence.
"Mm......" was the only response he received.
"I heard something happened at school...." he scratched the back of his head,not taking off his gaze at the young girl.
"Mmhm..." Futaba said,as she slowly kept pressing the buttons in motion.

The girl sat on top of a pillow and stared blankly into the screen in front of her.
"So I was just wondering," Slowly approaching to her,he asks,
"Are you ok?"

Looking up lazily for a moment from her game,Futaba responded in a very dull tone, "I'm ok." then proceeded to stare back at the TV.
"Futaba.....some people....did something did they?"

No response.
"Futaba....what happened this morning and where did you get that flower?" The boy was slowly but silently started to grow a bit impatient.He was sick of people hurting Futaba.

"...It's not your you shouldn't get involved...You already had enough problems at school...."

"So something did happen then."
Futaba sighed and replied,
"Again,nothing to do with you..."

Akira stepped in front of the TV,
"Actually,it does have something to do with me!!"
"Hey!!You're blocking the screen!!!" she spat.

"Not until you tell me the truth!!"

A wave of silence fell upon the room,you could hear a pin drop.

"Futaba....I care about you and we need to talk.Can you please turn off your game for a bit?"

Mumbling under her breath,she did as she was told and turn off the screen. "Ok,what is it?"

"Please,tell me what happened.I need to know."
The smaller one sighed,and finally complied,
"It was just some jerks who messed up my desk-"
He bit his lip.
"-And they just wasted their time writing some stupid crap on my desk to bully me,but really it's nothing-" She kept speaking in a monotone voice.


"If I told you,you'd go on a rampage-"

"What did those dumbasses wrote?!"

She sighed again,
"They just said meaningless crap like 'bitch','slut', etc."
When Akira heard those words,it felt like a bullet just went through his heart.
" 'Idiot', 'freak'"
A swirl of emotions overcame him.Anger being the most that consumed him internally.

"What else?"
"....They put that white flower on my desk as a I planted in the garden so it's life didn't had to be wasted like mine...."she mumbled.
She hoped he didn't understand what the bullies meant about the flower thing,but oh he did.
He knew exactly what they had in intention.

The names were already cruel,but the whole wish-for-her-to-die crap?
That was just unacceptable.

He was not going to tolerate this crap.

He clenched his fist in rage,not holding it in any longer,
"Say no more,Futaba."

He stomped to the door until Futaba pulled his arm from behind.He turns to her,his eyes look like the could kill.With just a sight,you could sense the murderous intent.
"I won't...let you...."

"Why not?! Nobody gets away with hurting one of my friends!!" he snapped.He was absolutely enraged.

Futaba wrapped both of her arms even tighter,
"Akira I get your intentions but this is not the way to do it!!!You are already on thin ice with the school,and I'm not letting you go off into trouble because of me!!!"

"It won't be cause of you!!Those assholes aren't going to see the light of tomorrow once I'm through with them-!"

At that same moment,he heard sobbing.

He glanced at his arm,noticing the poor young girl started to weep.

"I don't want anymore drama...I'm tired of everyone picking on me and blaming me for everything...."
She wept on his sleeve,her tears running down her cheek.
The tall boy pulled her into an embrace,softly stroking her hair.

"So...can what you always do best and please...."

She extends her arm out to him,

"Be here as my friend?"

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