chapter 5

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(Such a bunny. He's literally 7 days older than me guys. How is he such a fluff?)


Today has been crazy.


We all ended up staying at Q-shi for about an hour and a half. Turns out these guys are as nice as anyone expects. They are quiet foolish aswell. I feel like I was taking care of my younger siblings.  THAT IS SEOKJIN'S JOB! So, I didn't but in when he would scold them for either throwing at each other or having horrible table manners.

It was 1 p.m at this time and I just fell quiet slowly. I didn't know what to say and I didn't know how to feel. This is su-real, but I didn't feel overwhelmed? If that makes any kind of sense. I was staring down at my lap Wich had my phone laying on top. I get a text suddenly.

Maxy poo =_= : Noonaaa ~

Moi: Mm?

Maxy poo =_= : Where did you go? We wanted to go to the park!

Moi: I was just at the park..

Maxy poo =_=: YAH! YOU WENT WITHOUT US?! (T^T)

Moi: you guys were asleep! I was NOT about to wait hours for you two to wake up!

Maxy poo =_=: You don't love us ..

I rolled my eyes at this young ones over dramatic attitude, "aish.." I whispered and sighed throwing my head back.

"Mm?", I looked over and saw Taehyung looking over at me. I simply shook my head softly and sighed.

"My little brother is messaging me and he's being moody because I didn't wake him up to go to the park." I answered and rolled my eyes softly.

"You have siblings?! How many?!", He asked excitedly and was basically jumping in his seat. I forgot he loves kids.

How cute.

"ah, I have 3 younger brothers and 1 little sister. But my family separated so it's quiet complicated. My mum has my little sister and one of my brothers. My appa has 2 boys with my stepmom." I answered smiling.

Taehyung smiled widely and grabbed my hands.


"Ah, noona, can we meet them?!" He basically squealed.

"Yah! I'm not your noona! I'm younger than you! Younger than Jungkook aswell!"

Everyone just stared at me. I guess they thought I was older? Every fucking time.

"How old are you, exactly?" Asked Seokjin. I sighed annoyed and placed my arm on the table,ending in resting my cheek on the palm of my hand.

"I'm 19."

"Just like me! I can't be older."

"Ah, but you are."


"Mmhmm. By seven days to be precise."

They all gasped so dramatically. Yeah, I was this shook aswell when I found out. Shiit.

"yeodongsaeng!", Yelled out Hoseok.


I furrowed my brows and pointed at myself. They all nodded smiling. Jungkook was still in disbelief apparently. PFT, it's not my fault he has a baby face.


"Erm, I suppose?", I just shrugged. Suddenly Seokjin stood up and pointed his finger so close to my face, I could probably bite it in defense. "We are officially your oppa's!", He shouted as if it were in order.

"EH?! I don't even know you guys ... Erm .. personally, like that!" I argued back. I must be out of my damn mind.

Do you know how many girls or even boys would kill to be in my position?


Yoongi simply shrugged. He's a man of few words... Me af.

Then, Jimin spoke up, "Yah! This is not a discussable topic!", His words were stern.

I looked around the table and they were all nodding. Jungkook, well his expression was something else. I suppose Namjoon noticed and simply elbowed his side making Jungkook jump a bit. He saw that I was looking at him kinda confused and he just smiled.

I faked a small smile. I don't know why he's so Disturbed about the whole thing. Whatever.

My phone started vibrating like crazy, I pull it up and it was my one favorite person.


He's probably bored or something went down for him to call me. With his busy ass life. THANKFULLY, my phone was on vibrate, because my ringtone is I NEED U. That would've been embarrassing.


"So like, I'm over here attending a customer right?"

"Well, yes, I'm fine thanks." I answered sarcastically. This is us, everyday.

"Shut the fuck up, anyways.."


"Dis lady is paying with her chip card. So she inserts the card into the machine and this old ass lady put it with the chip on the other end."

"Oh God.."

"And like I was trying to help her, but she got a fucking attitude. And said, 'does it look like I'm stupid? I know what I'm doing.' "

"God no, what the hell?" I was trying so hard not to laugh. I ended up covering my mouth.

"I was like, obviously you are, but you know in my mind. She eventually got it."

I couldn't hold it any longer and just laughed loudly. Wich ended up in getting the guys attention. I could not breathe. I was crying.

"Ya, are you okay?!", Asked a worried Hoseok. I just nodded still laughing.

"Uh, was that a guy?" I heard John ask on the line. I could sense him raising his eyebrow.

"Uh, well. Yes and noo?" I stretched out. How exactly do you tell your best friend, that gives no fucks about these guys. He literally only knows because I won't shut up about them.


The line was quiet. Obviously,wanting he's waiting for my explanation.

"So like, I made friends?" I said and shrugged.

How do I explain?


I know, I know. Shitty. But guys, my best friend is gonna read this and I know he will PHYSICALLY CRINGE , so I'm freaking out. AISH!

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