Because I haven't updated and am stressing (13 things about me) 🙃

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I saw one of my fav authors do it and she said we could do it if we want, so -sugakookiejams- Thanks man. Love ya books ♥️






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My eyes are naturally black, but there's people who get defensive and say, "you can't have black eyes" so I'm like OKAY THEN THEYRE SUPER DUPER DARK BROWN)

1) I own 3 budgiars/parakeets and they are all hand trained except for one that isn't really comfortable enough. They're names are Pauly (F), Ciel (M) , and Nari (I THOUGHT WAS A GIRL BUT IS A BOY)

2) I am a '97 liner. I was born on September 8th.

3) Considering #2 ^ Jungkook is a literal week older than me.

4) My favorite color is any kind of blue and rose gold c:

5) I am currently in college and am studying towards World language: Korean. Although I want to switch my major towards therapist.

6) Everyone thinks that I went towards Korean because of BTS or Kpop in general, but I've always had a interest in the language since I was 12. My stepdad used to work for a Korean owned company from when I was 12 to 17 and his boss and his son were very nice to us. I just love asian culture in general and I tried Japanese, but IT WAS NOT FOR ME. I found Korean to be WAAY easier for me. 🤷

7) I suppose my talent is drawing? Although I only do it every 6 months. If I don't really feel inspired I won't do anything.

8) I learned the choreography to
-Blood, sweat, and tears.
-21st century girls.
-Go Go.
-War of Hormone.
And in the process for DNA.

It's the only way for me to be active.

9) I'm told at times that I'm the motherly figure of my friends or just in general. I scold them when they're doing something that isn't right. Even my 21 year old friend 😅 but I can also be silly and make you laugh non-stop.

10) I. Love. Puns. And. Dad. Jokes.

11) I am 5'8" (I GREW AN INCH) i think that's about .. 172.72 centimeters? (I'm hella tall.)

12) I was born in Houston, Texas. My Eomma is from Honduras. My appa is from Mexico.

13) English was my first language. According to my Eomma, I didn't learn Spanish until I was about 7? My entire family had to manage a way to understand me up until that age.

So yeah, as you can see I'm not that cool. I never was, LOL. But ya know, I try my best to be fun and a good person.

Do it if ya want, and tag me cause I Wana learn more about anyone c:

사란가 (≧▽≦)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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